It seems like a no-brainer to me... just move it.  If people want a SharePoint 
site to collaborate, create knowledge bases, and share IP (hey, now doesn't 
that all sound like a novel idea ) then sure... fire up a portal.  There's no 
value in having people run mailing lists though - it's a waste of resources.

Kind Regards,
Darren Neimke
mob: 0439 855 046

From: Ishai Sagi 
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] [listserver] List Posting Error Notification


Hosting this list on sharepoint sounds like a very bad idea. Sharepoint is not 
an email-list management tool, is not designed to do it, and the workarounds 
that are embedded in the product do not allow for something like ozmoss.

I suggest we use a tool that was designed with something exactly like ozmoss in 
mind. If you insist on using Microsoft-built things, I know there used to be 
some products like Auto-DL (part of exchange 2000 SDK) that can be customized 
to work as a list server - using a real email server (exchange). However, I 
suggest we use a web one, and give administrative rights to our most common and 
trusted users, instead of relying on one company or one person - be it Readify 
or someone with a spare server and bandwidth(no offence Daniel).


I do appreciate the effort that went into starting OzMoss, and I think it 
proved a great tool - I know people from all around the world are subscribing - 
not just Australia. But if things continue this way, I fear that OzMoss will 
lose people who get annoyed with getting "Posting Errors" and other "junk" all 
the time, not to mention all the other stuff reported by people on this thread.


Just my 0.02$. I hope I wasn't too blunt - still trying to figure out when I 
should stop.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Thursday, 27 November 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] [listserver] List Posting Error Notification


Hi All,

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by the errors you may be experiencing with 
the system.

Matt, Dan and I are looking to move the listserver off the current platform 
which is MailEnable. We will be looking for a proper SharePoint implementation 
with search, auto subscribe etc.


Thanks for your patience in this and we hope to resolve this soon.


Please feel free to 'little r' me if you have any concerns.





Aaron Saikovski


Aaron Saikovski  |  Senior Consultant  |  Microsoft Services

' +61 2 8817 9280 | È +61 410 480 971   |  7 +61 2 9870 2499  | * [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] | Blog:  | Web:


Disclaimer:  This email is intended solely for the use of the addressee and may 
contain information that is confidential or subject to legal professional 
privilege. If you receive this email in error please immediately notify the 
sender and delete the email.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 27 November 2008 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] [listserver] List Posting Error Notification




No one wants to jump ship. We simply want to limit the problems and return 


It's a gross understatement to suggest there has only been one issue, unless of 
course the same one recurs with high frequency and is responsible for all the 
others. It seems that some people have been lucky but many others, like myself, 
have had nothing but problems since subscribing.


I try to put my inherent paranoia aside when receiving the "you are not 
subscribed" messages. J


If it assists in debugging, the problems I am receiving are as follows:


Problem:       Can't post to list. Various errors.

Affected:       Usually affects everyone.

Frequency:    Intermittent

Solution:        Resubscribing sometimes does the trick.


Problem:       Read receipts and/or Out of Office replies.

Affected:       All

Frequency:    Constant

Solution:        Server-side filtering and unsubscribe (with message) those 


Problem:       MIME types and multi-part messages garbled

Affected:       Most

Frequency:    Constant

Solution:        Enable and properly configure mime-types. Limitation of list 
software? Client-side email software can also be the cause.


Problem:       Outages (server or otherwise)

Affected:       All       

Frequency:    Intermittent

Solution:        Change host? Account payment?


I appreciate that this list is not the only one to be affected by these 
problems and that some might occasionally be unavoidable. But it's also just 
possible that moving to a proven platform and solution might rectify many of 




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Cosier
Sent: Thursday, 27 November 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] [listserver] List Posting Error Notification


Guys, we've had one issue for the entire time this list has been hosted (that I 
know of), and you're all ready to jump ship?

I'm trying to get this sorted out with Aaron now, I'll keep you posted.



On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 4:26 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 MailEnable: You are not permitted to post to the list (

 This list may be password protected, or you may need to have previously 
subscribed to
 the list in order to post to it.

- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.
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- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.
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- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.
Powered by 

- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.
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- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.
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- to unsubscribe from this list, send a message back to the list with 
'unsubscribe' as the subject.

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