I think BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly is what you need.


Try puting this inside the binding element of your client config file


<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly" />




On Behalf Of Jonas Follesø
Sent: Monday, 12 May 2008 12:40 PM
To: listserver@ozsilverlight.com
Subject: [OzSilverlight] Basic Http Authentication on Cross Domain SOAP
service calls in Silverlight 2



I have a question regarding Silverlight authentication. The scenario is as

I need to call an Oracle Soap Service, protected using basic http
authentication, from a Silverlight client. The client will not be  hosted on
the same server, but the server will have a crossdomain.xml file allowing my
Silverlight client to call the service.

In my auto-generated service client I can't access the HttpHeader collection
to add the basic http authentication header.. However, if I use the "raw"
HttpWebRequest class I can add the authentication header before making the

Do I really have to use the HttpWebRequest class and parse the returned XML
my self, or is there a way to set basic http credentials on the web service

Jonas Follesø

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