hello together,

A nice new feature would be to allow Configuration Sets to be saved. For example if I'd like to try a new piece of software and know all the possible connections it tries to make there may be some I don't see because I've chosen to "Always Allow" a particular server, port, or protocol. Without wiping out all my choices and going back to the installed defaults there is no easy way to try this.

If I could "Save My Set" of rules, return to defaults, test, and then restore my set it would be possible.

Until this feature might get added, simply backup the file "~/Library/ Application Support/Little Snitch/config.plist" You could even hold a number of rulesets which you could use for diffrent locations or situations.

To choose one, stop LS and type in Terminal "cp ~/Library/ Application Support/Little Snitch/config.plist-strict ~/Library/ Application Support/Little Snitch/config.plist".
Then start LS again.



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