Daniel Wickes wrote:
Hi Walter,

Growl is definitely not spyware. It's a free[ware] notification system (http://www.growl.info).

I believe it was an off-shoot of the popular Instant Messaging client Adium (http://www.adiumx.com), and it's raison d'ĂȘtre is to do nothing but notify the user of events, changes etc. Nearly every program you download offers some form of notification; new mail, download complete, new song in iTunes etc. And they do so using a variety of interfaces; bezel window, etc. Growl exists to provide a common interface for these sorts of notification without reinvention of the wheel. Can you tell I am a fan of what it stands for?

Anyways, you don't need to have Growl installed if you're not interested in any form of notification for your virtual aquarium, but having it installed will do no harm at all. As for making things work with it, applications usually register themselves with Growl (assuming they support it) and you can edit the notifications you receive via the preference pane you mention in System Preferences -> Other -> Growl. Sometimes the program in question has its own UI for editing the notifications, though.

I hope what I wrote makes some sort of sense!  In short; don't worry! :-)


On 23 Apr 2006, at 00:40, wsheluk wrote:

Dear fellow LS's:

Today I downloaded/launched Fish 1.3 ( http://oriol.mine.nu/software/Fish/) an aquarium simulator. Whereby it asked me to install Growl if not present. I allowed the installation however I "stopped" the launch feature.

I reviewed the web site for Growl file:///Users/tiger/Desktop/growl.info:about.php.webloc <cid:part1.04090702.07040208@shaw.ca>
albeit was none the wiser.

Is Growl some new form of "spy ware" that will monitor my Internet activity and use of the applications that support use of Growl.

Is it safe and how do I use LS with Growl?


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