Lets do some back-of-the-envelope maths.
According to our OSGeoLive history page, there were 45 events in 2012 which made use of OSGeo-Live. Of these, I'm reasonably confident that each event would easily be able to hand out an average 100 USBs per event, (probably 2 or 3 times this), and each event would like these USBs paid for. Cost of a cheap USB =~ $4.

I'm pretty sure if USBs were subsidised, we would get requests for 10 times as many USBs.

So current annual cost of printing OSGeo-Live USBs = 100 * 45 * $4 = $18,000 (minimal)

or 100 * 45 * $4 * 10 = $180,000 (if handed out to everyone who asks)

Alternatively, you might want to pay for OSGeoLive USBs for specific events.

Peter, I hope this helps in your considerations about what level of sponsorship you might be in a position to provide.

On 31/01/2013 9:21 AM, Peter Baumann wrote:
I have no idea how to work it out, never done this before :)
So I am gladly accepting education on this. Main constraint form my side is: I need an invoice by the end of the day.

On 01/30/2013 09:32 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
The process for adding OSGeo-Live at an event is explained here: At this point, we don't have OSGeo budget set aside for printing, but rather each event needs to find a way to pay for DVD/USB printing. Peter Baumann has mentioned part sponsoring USBs for foss4g. Peter, I'd be interested to explore how you would like to work this offer into a process that people can follow for the many other events osgeo-live is present at.

On 31/01/2013 4:12 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
On 01/30/2013 08:37 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:

So, where do requests for funding go to for LiveDVD creation for conferences? I've just been tapped to research this aspect for the FOSS4GNA conference in Minneapolis this spring?

Also, is there a chance that the 8GB USB Stick version of things might be in place sometime soon, or should I forget about that entirely for this event.



The USB stick version is the same ISO as the DVD just made into a
bootable usb. We have a schedule to finish 6.5 by Mid February well in
time for Foss4gNA. The trickiest part about usb sticks is finding a
vendor in the US who can actually make them bootable - we failed in
Denver and I spent the week (with volunteers) re-doing all of them.
I can provide you with the companies we have used in the past for DVDs
and USBs.

OSGeo does not usually pay for DVDs or USB sticks for conferences,
especially not a FOSS4G where it ought to come from the admission fee.
Marketing committee is the place to discuss.


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