On 03/02/2015 09:37 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:
> All,
> We've been attending local conferences steadily  over the last couple of 
> years, and we've been handing out OSGeo Live USBs at all of the conferences.
> Usually the attendees at the Live DVD presentation each get one, and select 
> visitors to our (SharedGeo) booth.
> We've been handing out between 50 and 70 USBs per show based on number of 
> attendees.
> Question, we've been footing the bill up till now on these, but the numbers 
> we're needing to bring along to conferences are starting to rise.
> So. I've been seeing other reimbursements for USBs and I think we've been 
> going at it long enough to ask for some help on costs.  We would like to 
> continue to offer these USBs, and have a good process in place to do the copy 
> ourselves; we've even set things up to recopy when a new version comes out 
> with any of the USBs we have on hand at the time soas not to be handing out 
> stale material.
> With the recent discssions I've been seeing, there still isn't a cast in 
> stone method of providing support for the USBs as a promotional item for 
> OSGeo (is there?).
> If the USbs could be paid for, we would be in much better shape, and we would 
> still go the route of generating the USBs on our own, at least for the next 
> few forseeable versions of OSGeo-live that will be released.
> Has a central vendor process been defined for purchase of the USBs?  We buy 
> them at retail locally, and I would imagine that they could be purchased 
> cheaper in volume.
> Anyway, just letting the community know that we're on the job as far as 
> promotions go.
> Bobb

We have a source for them with data preloaded at under $6 each
(including printed logos). There is discussions to get OSGeo budget
approval (Outreach and Marketing Committee) to make a bulk purchase and
then send packages of various amounts to groups like yours that request
them. I'm not sure what else needs to happen to get the approval to make
the orders, Cameron do you know?


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