> When I testing the RTSP server live555MediaServer then I faced slow 
> performance. On one core of the CPU with a clock speed of about 3.2 Gz it is 
> possible to process only about 140 client connections. The search for 
> information on the mailing lists indicated the following ways of optimization:

There’s only one “mailing list” for this software: This mailing list.

> 1. Develop own TaskScheduler. I tried using the epoll library, but I ran into 
> the problem that the epoll does not support regular files (and I need to 
> stream files via RTSP), so I had to use the select to process read events 
> from the file and didn't achieve any performance improvements.
> 2. Improve DelayQueue. Can anyone share the code?

To my knowledge, nobody has ever suggested that the implementation of the 
“DelayQueue” class needs to be improved (and, to my knowledge, the current 
implementation has no problems at all).  So that’s completely a ‘red herring’.

I my experience, scalability issues with our server software are usually caused 
by running up against limits in either (1) the capacity of their network, or 
(2) the number of open files (sockets) that are supported by the underlying 
operating system (see http://live555.com/liveMedia/faq.html#scalability ).  
Increasing this limit usually solves the problem.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

live-devel mailing list

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