On Thu, 01 Jun 2017 12:45:57 +0100, Dan Lynch via Liverpool wrote:

> It's that time of the month again where I ask if anybody has something
> they'd like to demonstrate or tell us about for the LivLUG meeting next
> week. Usually there's no response but I'm hoping someone will surprise
> us this month. You know you want to.
> So, how about it? Anyone got a project of topic they want to share? It
> doesn't have to be a formal talk with slides or anything like that,
> even just a discussion starter would be good. Perhaps some open source
> tool you've been trying or just something you'd like to know more about
> that someone else can help with.

I've been messing around with Nextcloud lately, if anyone is interested.

Neil Bothwick

Plagarism prohibited. Derive carefully.

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