clayborg added a comment.

Each shared library is an object that can be shared between multiple targets. 
We do not want to injecting types from another shared library into the static 
notion of what a type is within a shared library. Why? What if one target in 
lldb loads which has a forward declaration to "class Bar;", and this 
same target loads which contains a full definition for "Bar". Another 
target also loads, but it loads a different version of "" which 
has a newer more up to date version of "Bar" because you are doing a 
edit/compile/debug cycle. We can't take a full definition of "Bar" and place it 
into the debug info for because it can be wrong. So each shared library 
always just parses the types _as_they_see_them_ in their debug info.

We do allow variable introspection to always grab the complete type from 
another shared library when displaying the type, we just don't allow the static 
notion of a type that comes from a specific shared library to be augmented 
within that shared library.

So lets say you have that contains Foo class which has a "Bar *m_bar;" 
member variable. doesn't have a full definition for "Bar" which is OK. 
"Bar", in, is known to be "class Bar;", nothing else. When we are 
debugging a a.out binary later that loads both and (which 
contains the full definition for "Bar"), in the variable display code we see 
that we want to expand "Bar" in the variables view and we note that we have  a 
full definition of "Bar" in, so we end up using the full definition 
from in place of the forward declaration. Again, we just switch the 
types. We can do this because have have a type that comes from a specific 
target, and within that target (a collection of shared libraries) we can come 
up with the right definition for "Bar" without modifying the type itself from 
the debug info within

So there should be not problems when viewing variables because we have that 

If we have any problems in the expression parser, we will need to solve them in 
the say kind of way: given a target context, determine the right version of the 
type to use and copy into the ASTContext for the expression. We currently 
import types from multiple different ASTContexts into an expression ASTContext 
for each expression that we run, so it would be possible to identify any 
classes that were forward declarations and try to complete them during the 
ASTContext -> ASTContext copy cycle. We would need to somehow mark these 
incomplete types to allow them to be completed later. Like for example the 
forward declaration to a base class. We used to just complete the definition 
for the base class and say it had no member and no methods. We have hooks in to 
allow the DWARF to assist in laying out a class so that we can correct any 
alignment issues we run into (since DWARF doesn't always capture any #pragma 
pack and other compiler directives that can affect how a class is laid out), 
but we could allow these base classes to be created and mark them somehow in 
the ClangASTContext so we can identify them later during any expression use. We 
could also use this for the Variable display code and find the full definition 
of the forward declaration base class...

So, any changes you make in future fixes must adhere to:

- a type is parsed exactly as it is represented within the object file itself, 
no outside definitions from other shared libraries can be merged into these 
- it is fine to switch over to using a different version of a type (the full 
definition of "Bar" from when you have a forward declaration for "Bar" 
in when displaying variables or evaluating expressions that have a 
Target in their execution context since the target has a list of all the shared 
libraries that are currently loaded. This allows process a.out to load one 
version of "Bar" from, and process b.out to load another version of 
"Bar" from
- We can modify the ClangASTContext ASTImporter to do the same kind of type 
switching when copying types into the expression ASTContext

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