clayborg added a comment.

BTW: if we can modify clang to produce the Apple accelerator tables, we won't 
need to do any of this indexing which will really speed up debugging! We only 
produce the Apple accelerator tables on Darwin, but we could on other systems. 
There is also a new version of the accelerator tables that is going to be in 
DWARF 5 that is a modified version of our Apple accelerator tables. The Apple 
accelerator tables are actual accelerator tables that can be mmap'ed in and 
used as is. All other DWARF accelerator tables are actually not accelerator 
tables, they are randomly ordered tables that need to be sorted and ingested 
and often don't contain the correct things that a debugger wants. Like 
".debug_pubtypes" will only mention "public" types. Any private types are not 
in the table. So the table is useless. Same goes for "debug_pubnames": only 
"public" names... Useless. So our new accelerator tables actually have all of 
the data in a format that can be used as is, no extra sorting required. They 
really speed up debugging and stop us from having to index the DWARF manually.

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