mohit.bhakkad added inline comments.

Comment at: include/lldb/Target/UnixSignals.h:101-102
@@ -100,1 +100,4 @@
+    ConstString
+    GetShortName(ConstString name) const;
clayborg wrote:
> Why are we doing this by name? shouldn't we do this with the signal number? 
> And shouldn't this be named GetSignalAlias()?
Hi @clayborg,

sorry, I didn't write proper description while submitting this patch.

Here alias and short_name are two different things. As eg. for signal SIGCHLD, 
SIGCLD is an alias and CHLD is the short_name.
For providing alias, I have added a default argument called "alias" in function 
AddSignal, which will be stored in variable m_alias.

Now for short_name, we have another variable short_name. But for signals with 
alias, like SIGCHLD, we will have 2 short_names, i.e. CHLD and CLD. But if we 
observe, we can see that short_name is just signal_name with first 3 letters 
removed, which can solve our problem. So instead of hardcoding short_names in 
<key,value> map, we can use this function to get it at run time.



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