clayborg added a comment.

In, @dawn wrote:

> Thanks Greg!  To address your main point:
> > So either make it generic, or clang specific.
> DeclContextCountDeclLevels's interface follows DeclContextFindDeclByName 
> (authored by Paul Herman).  If DeclContextCountDeclLevels is to change, then 
> DeclContextFindDeclByName should also change for consistency.

Indeed it should be. It should return a vector of CompilerDecl objects.

> My take on this is that the code in 
> ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls which calls these 
> scope-based lookup routines should be moved out of ClangExpressionDeclMap.cpp 
> into CompilerExpressionDeclMap.cpp, so the interfaces to 
> DeclContextFindDeclByName/DeclContextCountDeclLevels should remain generic 
> while the implementations are compiler specific.  That's way more than I'd 
> like to take on as part of this patch however.

I would still like to see your new 
ClangASTContext::DeclContextCountDeclLevels() broken up into one or more 
functions that are more useful on CompilerDeclContext. In my previous comment I 
mentioned a new CompilerDeclContext that could be used to get the depth:

  int32_t CompilerDeclContext::GetDepth (const CompilerDeclContext &decl_ctx);

This would get the depth of one CompilerDeclContext within another 
CompilerDeclContext, it would return -1 if "decl_ctx" doesn't fall within the 
object, and zero or above it is is contained.

Not sure how to break out the other thing with the name and type, but thing 
about what would make a good API on CompilerDeclContext and what questions you 
might ask of it. The DeclContextCountDeclLevels seems to be too specific.

> Paul, any feedback from you on this?

We should be using our CompilerDecl and CompilerDeclContext objects. No one 
should be using opaque pointers outside the API unless you are making the 
objects or changing the contained decl/decl context.


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