labath added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Utility/VASprintf.cpp:18
+                             va_list args) {
+  llvm::SmallString<16> error("<Encoding error>");
It doesn't look like you should need to allocate a stack object with the string 
every time. Can't you just assign `buf = "..."` in the error case?

Comment at: lldb/source/Utility/VASprintf.cpp:28
+  if (length < 0) {
+    buf = error;
+    goto finish;
Could you also have the function return false in case of an error? You can 
leave the callers ignoring it, as they weren't handling these errors anyway, 
but now at least they would have a chance. I know this is meant to go away in 
the future, but noone know how soon will that be, and it seems like a bad idea 
to introduce a new abstraction with such an obviously flawed interface (as in, 
the only way to check if it failed is to inspect the printed-to string).

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