zturner created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: mgorny.

There were a couple of problems with this function on Windows.  Different 
separators and differences in how tilde expressions are resolved for starters, 
but in addition there was no clear indication of what the function's inputs or 
outputs were supposed to be, and there were no tests to demonstrate its use.

To more easily paper over the differences between Windows paths, non-Windows 
paths, and tilde expressions, I've ported this function to use LLVM-based 
directory iteration (in fact, I would like to eliminate all of LLDB's directory 
iteration code entirely since LLVM's is cleaner / more efficient (i.e. it 
invokes fewer stat calls)). and llvm's portable path manipulation library.

Since file and directory completion assumes you are referring to files and 
directories on your local machine, it's safe to assume the path syntax 
properties of the host in doing so, so LLVM's APIs are perfect for this.

I've also added a fairly robust set of unit tests.  Since you can't really 
predict what users will be on your machine, or what their home directories will 
be, I added an interface called `TildeExpressionResolver`, and in the unit test 
I've mocked up a fake implementation that acts like a unix password database.  
This allows us to configure some fake users and home directories in the test, 
so we can exercise all of those hard-to-test codepaths that normally otherwise 
depend on the host.

After this patch, file and directory completion works on Windows, and the same 
tests pass without my patch which suggests that I have not broken anything.

Note that I think there was a bug in the original implementation regarding 
symlinks which I've tried to fix.  Previously, if you tried to complete 
/foo/bar/baz, and it finds /foo/bar/bazel which is a symlink, then it treats 
this as a directory as long as /foo/bar is a directory, which doesn't make any 

To fix this, if /foo/bar/bazel is a symlink, I stat it again with 
symlink-following on (which the previous code did not do), and check if the 
result is a directory.

There's no good way to test this, however.



Index: lldb/unittests/Interpreter/TestCompletion.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/unittests/Interpreter/TestCompletion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+//===-- TestCompletion.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/StringList.h"
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs;
+namespace path = llvm::sys::path;
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace lldb_private;
+#define ASSERT_NO_ERROR(x)                                                     \
+  if (std::error_code ASSERT_NO_ERROR_ec = x) {                                \
+    SmallString<128> MessageStorage;                                           \
+    raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage);                               \
+    Message << #x ": did not return errc::success.\n"                          \
+            << "error number: " << ASSERT_NO_ERROR_ec.value() << "\n"          \
+            << "error message: " << ASSERT_NO_ERROR_ec.message() << "\n";      \
+    GTEST_FATAL_FAILURE_(MessageStorage.c_str());                              \
+  } else {                                                                     \
+  }
+namespace {
+class MockTildeExpressionResolver : public TildeExpressionResolver {
+  StringRef CurrentUser;
+  StringMap<StringRef> UserDirectories;
+  explicit MockTildeExpressionResolver(StringRef CurrentUser, StringRef HomeDir)
+      : CurrentUser(CurrentUser) {
+    UserDirectories.insert(std::make_pair(CurrentUser, HomeDir));
+  }
+  void AddKnownUser(StringRef User, StringRef HomeDir) {
+    assert(UserDirectories.find(User) == UserDirectories.end());
+    UserDirectories.insert(std::make_pair(User, HomeDir));
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    CurrentUser = StringRef();
+    UserDirectories.clear();
+  }
+  void SetCurrentUser(StringRef User) {
+    assert(UserDirectories.find(User) != UserDirectories.end());
+    CurrentUser = User;
+  }
+  bool ResolveExact(StringRef Expr, SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output) override {
+    Output.clear();
+    assert(!llvm::any_of(Expr, llvm::sys::path::is_separator));
+    assert(Expr.empty() || Expr[0] == '~');
+    Expr = Expr.drop_front();
+    if (Expr.empty()) {
+      auto Dir = UserDirectories[CurrentUser];
+      Output.append(Dir.begin(), Dir.end());
+      return true;
+    }
+    for (const auto &User : UserDirectories) {
+      if (User.getKey() != Expr)
+        continue;
+      Output.append(User.getValue().begin(), User.getValue().end());
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool ResolvePartial(StringRef Expr, StringSet<> &Output) override {
+    Output.clear();
+    assert(!llvm::any_of(Expr, llvm::sys::path::is_separator));
+    assert(Expr.empty() || Expr[0] == '~');
+    Expr = Expr.drop_front();
+    SmallString<16> QualifiedName = "~";
+    for (const auto &User : UserDirectories) {
+      if (!User.getKey().startswith(Expr))
+        continue;
+      QualifiedName.resize(1);
+      QualifiedName.append(User.getKey().begin(), User.getKey().end());
+      Output.insert(QualifiedName);
+    }
+    return !Output.empty();
+  }
+class CompletionTest : public testing::Test {
+  /// Unique temporary directory in which all created filesystem entities must
+  /// be placed. It is removed at the end of the test suite.
+  static SmallString<128> BaseDir;
+  static SmallString<128> DirFoo;
+  static SmallString<128> DirFooA;
+  static SmallString<128> DirFooB;
+  static SmallString<128> DirFooC;
+  static SmallString<128> DirBar;
+  static SmallString<128> DirBaz;
+  static SmallString<128> DirTestFolder;
+  static SmallString<128> FileAA;
+  static SmallString<128> FileAB;
+  static SmallString<128> FileAC;
+  static SmallString<128> FileFoo;
+  static SmallString<128> FileBar;
+  static SmallString<128> FileBaz;
+  static void SetUpTestCase() {
+    ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::createUniqueDirectory("FsCompletion", BaseDir));
+    const char *DirNames[] = {"foo", "fooa", "foob",       "fooc",
+                              "bar", "baz",  "test_folder"};
+    const char *FileNames[] = {"aa%%%%.tmp",  "ab%%%%.tmp",  "ac%%%%.tmp",
+                               "foo%%%%.tmp", "bar%%%%.tmp", "baz%%%%.tmp"};
+    SmallString<128> *Dirs[] = {&DirFoo, &DirFooA, &DirFooB,      &DirFooC,
+                                &DirBar, &DirBaz,  &DirTestFolder};
+    for (auto Dir : llvm::zip(DirNames, Dirs)) {
+      auto &Path = *std::get<1>(Dir);
+      Path = BaseDir;
+      path::append(Path, std::get<0>(Dir));
+      ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directory(Path));
+    }
+    SmallString<128> *Files[] = {&FileAA,  &FileAB,  &FileAC,
+                                 &FileFoo, &FileBar, &FileBaz};
+    for (auto File : llvm::zip(FileNames, Files)) {
+      auto &Path = *std::get<1>(File);
+      Path = BaseDir;
+      path::append(Path, std::get<0>(File));
+      int FD;
+      ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::createUniqueFile(Path, FD, Path));
+      ::close(FD);
+    }
+  }
+  static void TearDownTestCase() {
+    ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::remove_directories(BaseDir));
+  }
+  static bool HasEquivalentFile(const Twine &Path, const StringList &Paths) {
+    for (int I = 0; I < Paths.GetSize(); ++I) {
+      if (fs::equivalent(Path, Paths[I]))
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static bool ContainsExactString(const Twine &Str, const StringList &Paths) {
+    SmallString<16> Storage;
+    StringRef Rendered = Str.toStringRef(Storage);
+    for (int I = 0; I < Paths.GetSize(); ++I) {
+      if (Paths[I] == Rendered)
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::BaseDir;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirFoo;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirFooA;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirFooB;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirFooC;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirBar;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirBaz;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::DirTestFolder;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileAA;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileAB;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileAC;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileFoo;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileBar;
+SmallString<128> CompletionTest::FileBaz;
+TEST_F(CompletionTest, DirCompletionAbsolute) {
+  // All calls to DiskDirectories() return only directories, even when
+  // there are files which also match.  The tests below all check this
+  // by asserting an exact result count, and verifying against known
+  // folders.
+  StringList Results;
+  // When a directory is specified that doesn't end in a slash, it searches
+  // for that directory, not items under it.
+  int Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2(BaseDir, Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(BaseDir, Results));
+  // When the same directory ends with a slash, it finds all children.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(7, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirTestFolder, Results));
+  // When a partial name matches, it returns all matches.  If it matches both
+  // a full name AND some partial names, it returns all of them.
+  Count =
+      CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/foo", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(4, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
+  // If it matches only partial names, it still works as expected.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/b", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(2, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));
+TEST_F(CompletionTest, FileCompletionAbsolute) {
+  // All calls to DiskFiles() return both files and directories  The tests below
+  // all check this by asserting an exact result count, and verifying against
+  // known folders.
+  StringList Results;
+  // When an item is specified that doesn't end in a slash but exactly matches
+  // one item, it returns that item.
+  int Count = CommandCompletions::DiskFiles2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/fooa", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
+  // The previous check verified a directory match.  But it should work for
+  // files too.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskFiles2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/aa", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAA, Results));
+  // When it ends with a slash, it should find all files and directories.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskFiles2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(13, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirTestFolder, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAA, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAB, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAC, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileFoo, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileBar, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileBaz, Results));
+  // When a partial name matches, it returns all file & directory matches.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskFiles2(Twine(BaseDir) + "/foo", Results);
+  ASSERT_EQ(5, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileFoo, Results));
+TEST_F(CompletionTest, DirCompletionUsername) {
+  MockTildeExpressionResolver Resolver("James", BaseDir);
+  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Kirk", DirFooB);
+  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Lars", DirFooC);
+  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Jason", DirFoo);
+  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Larry", DirFooA);
+  // Just resolving current user's home directory by itself should return the
+  // directory.
+  StringList Results;
+  int Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2("~", Results, &Resolver);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsExactString(Twine("~") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+  // With a slash appended, it should return all items in the directory.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2("~/", Results, &Resolver);
+  ASSERT_EQ(7, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/foo") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/fooa") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/foob") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/fooc") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/bar") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~/baz") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsExactString(
+      Twine("~/test_folder") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+  // With ~username syntax it should return one match if there is an exact
+  // match.
+  // It shouldn't translate to the actual directory, it should keep the form the
+  // user typed.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2("~Lars", Results, &Resolver);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~Lars") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+  // But with a username that is not found, no results are returned.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2("~Dave", Results, &Resolver);
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+  // And if there are multiple matches, it should return all of them.
+  Count = CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2("~La", Results, &Resolver);
+  ASSERT_EQ(2, Count);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Count, Results.GetSize());
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~Lars") + path::get_separator(), Results));
+      ContainsExactString(Twine("~Larry") + path::get_separator(), Results));
Index: lldb/unittests/Interpreter/CMakeLists.txt
--- lldb/unittests/Interpreter/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lldb/unittests/Interpreter/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+  TestCompletion.cpp
Index: lldb/source/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+//===--------------------- TildeExpressionResolver.cpp ----------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+using namespace lldb_private;
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs;
+namespace path = llvm::sys::path;
+bool StandardTildeExpressionResolver::ResolveExact(
+    StringRef Expr, SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output) {
+  // We expect the tilde expression to be ONLY the expression itself, and
+  // contain
+  // no separators.
+  assert(!llvm::any_of(Expr, path::is_separator));
+  assert(Expr.empty() || Expr[0] == '~');
+  return !fs::real_path(Expr, Output, true);
+bool StandardTildeExpressionResolver::ResolvePartial(StringRef Expr,
+                                                     StringSet<> &Output) {
+  // We expect the tilde expression to be ONLY the expression itself, and
+  // contain
+  // no separators.
+  assert(!llvm::any_of(Expr, path::is_separator));
+  assert(Expr.empty() || Expr[0] == '~');
+  Output.clear();
+#if defined(LLVM_ON_WIN32)
+  return false;
+  SmallString<32> Buffer = "~";
+  setpwent();
+  struct passwd *user_entry;
+  Expr = Expr.drop_front();
+  while ((user_entry = getpwent()) != NULL) {
+    StringRef ThisName(user_entry->pw_name);
+    if (!ThisName.startswith(Expr))
+      continue;
+    Buffer.resize(1);
+    Buffer.append(ThisName);
+    Buffer.append(path::get_separator()) Output.insert(Buffer);
+  }
+  return Output.size();
Index: lldb/source/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
--- lldb/source/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lldb/source/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+  TildeExpressionResolver.cpp
Index: lldb/source/Commands/CommandCompletions.cpp
--- lldb/source/Commands/CommandCompletions.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Commands/CommandCompletions.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
 // Project includes
 #include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h"
@@ -31,9 +32,11 @@
 #include "lldb/Symbol/Variable.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/CleanUp.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 using namespace lldb_private;
@@ -99,180 +102,134 @@
   return matches.GetSize();
-typedef struct DiskFilesOrDirectoriesBaton {
-  const char *remainder;
-  char *partial_name_copy;
-  bool only_directories;
-  bool *saw_directory;
-  StringList *matches;
-  char *end_ptr;
-  size_t baselen;
-} DiskFilesOrDirectoriesBaton;
-DiskFilesOrDirectoriesCallback(void *baton, llvm::sys::fs::file_type file_type,
-                               const FileSpec &spec) {
-  const char *name = spec.GetFilename().AsCString();
-  const DiskFilesOrDirectoriesBaton *parameters =
-      (DiskFilesOrDirectoriesBaton *)baton;
-  char *end_ptr = parameters->end_ptr;
-  char *partial_name_copy = parameters->partial_name_copy;
-  const char *remainder = parameters->remainder;
-  // Omit ".", ".." and any . files if the match string doesn't start with .
-  if (name[0] == '.') {
-    if (name[1] == '\0')
-      return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-    else if (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '\0')
-      return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-    else if (remainder[0] != '.')
-      return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-  }
+static int DiskFilesOrDirectories(const llvm::Twine &partial_name,
+                                  bool only_directories, bool &saw_directory,
+                                  StringList &matches,
+                                  TildeExpressionResolver *Resolver) {
+  // Use the default resolver if one isn't explicitly specified.
+  StandardTildeExpressionResolver SR;
+  if (!Resolver)
+    Resolver = &SR;
+  matches.Clear();
+  llvm::SmallString<PATH_MAX> CompletionBuffer;
+  llvm::SmallString<PATH_MAX> Storage;
+  partial_name.toVector(CompletionBuffer);
+  if (CompletionBuffer.size() >= PATH_MAX)
+    return 0;
+  namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs;
+  namespace path = llvm::sys::path;
+  llvm::StringRef SearchDir;
+  llvm::StringRef PartialItem;
+  if (CompletionBuffer.startswith("~")) {
+    llvm::StringRef Buffer(CompletionBuffer);
+    size_t FirstSep = Buffer.find_if(path::is_separator);
+    llvm::StringRef Username = Buffer.take_front(FirstSep);
+    llvm::StringRef Remainder;
+    if (FirstSep != llvm::StringRef::npos)
+      Remainder = Buffer.drop_front(FirstSep + 1);
+    llvm::SmallString<PATH_MAX> Resolved;
+    if (!Resolver->ResolveExact(Username, Resolved)) {
+      // We couldn't resolve it as a full username.  If there were no slashes
+      // then this might be a partial username.   We try to resolve it as such
+      // but after that, we're done regardless of any matches.
+      if (FirstSep == llvm::StringRef::npos) {
+        llvm::StringSet<> MatchSet;
+        saw_directory = Resolver->ResolvePartial(Username, MatchSet);
+        for (const auto &S : MatchSet) {
+          Resolved = S.getKey();
+          path::append(Resolved, path::get_separator());
+          matches.AppendString(Resolved);
+        }
+        saw_directory = (matches.GetSize() > 0);
+      }
+      return matches.GetSize();
+    }
-  // If we found a directory, we put a "/" at the end of the name.
+    // If there was no trailing slash, then we're done as soon as we resolve the
+    // expression to the correct directory.  Otherwise we need to continue
+    // looking for matches within that directory.
+    if (FirstSep == llvm::StringRef::npos) {
+      // Make sure it ends with a separator.
+      path::append(CompletionBuffer, path::get_separator());
+      saw_directory = true;
+      matches.AppendString(CompletionBuffer);
+      return 1;
+    }
-  if (remainder[0] == '\0' || strstr(name, remainder) == name) {
-    if (strlen(name) + parameters->baselen >= PATH_MAX)
-      return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
+    // We want to keep the form the user typed, so we special case this to
+    // search
+    // in the fully resolved directory, but CompletionBuffer keeps the
+    // unmodified
+    // form that the user typed.
+    Storage = Resolved;
+    SearchDir = Resolved;
+  } else {
+    SearchDir = path::parent_path(CompletionBuffer);
+  }
-    strcpy(end_ptr, name);
+  size_t FullPrefixLen = CompletionBuffer.size();
-    namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs;
-    bool isa_directory = false;
-    if (file_type == fs::file_type::directory_file)
-      isa_directory = true;
-    else if (file_type == fs::file_type::symlink_file)
-      isa_directory = fs::is_directory(partial_name_copy);
+  PartialItem = path::filename(CompletionBuffer);
+  if (PartialItem == ".")
+    PartialItem = llvm::StringRef();
-    if (isa_directory) {
-      *parameters->saw_directory = true;
-      size_t len = strlen(parameters->partial_name_copy);
-      partial_name_copy[len] = '/';
-      partial_name_copy[len + 1] = '\0';
-    }
-    if (parameters->only_directories && !isa_directory)
-      return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-    parameters->matches->AppendString(partial_name_copy);
-  }
+  assert(!SearchDir.empty());
+  assert(!PartialItem.contains(path::get_separator()));
-  return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
+  // SearchDir now contains the directory to search in, and Prefix contains the
+  // text we want to match against items in that directory.
-static int DiskFilesOrDirectories(llvm::StringRef partial_file_name,
-                                  bool only_directories, bool &saw_directory,
-                                  StringList &matches) {
-  // I'm going to  use the "glob" function with GLOB_TILDE for user directory
-  // expansion.
-  // If it is not defined on your host system, you'll need to implement it
-  // yourself...
-  size_t partial_name_len = partial_file_name.size();
-  if (partial_name_len >= PATH_MAX)
-    return matches.GetSize();
-  // This copy of the string will be cut up into the directory part, and the
-  // remainder.  end_ptr below will point to the place of the remainder in this
-  // string.  Then when we've resolved the containing directory, and opened it,
-  // we'll read the directory contents and overwrite the partial_name_copy
-  // starting from end_ptr with each of the matches.  Thus we will preserve the
-  // form the user originally typed.
-  char partial_name_copy[PATH_MAX];
-  memcpy(partial_name_copy, partial_file_name.data(), partial_name_len);
-  partial_name_copy[partial_name_len] = '\0';
-  // We'll need to save a copy of the remainder for comparison, which we do
-  // here.
-  char remainder[PATH_MAX];
-  // end_ptr will point past the last / in partial_name_copy, or if there is no
-  // slash to the beginning of the string.
-  char *end_ptr;
-  end_ptr = strrchr(partial_name_copy, '/');
-  // This will store the resolved form of the containing directory
-  llvm::SmallString<64> containing_part;
-  if (end_ptr == nullptr) {
-    // There's no directory.  If the thing begins with a "~" then this is a bare
-    // user name.
-    if (*partial_name_copy == '~') {
-      // Nothing here but the user name.  We could just put a slash on the end,
-      // but for completeness sake we'll resolve the user name and only put a
-      // slash
-      // on the end if it exists.
-      llvm::SmallString<64> resolved_username(partial_name_copy);
-      FileSpec::ResolveUsername(resolved_username);
-      // Not sure how this would happen, a username longer than PATH_MAX?
-      // Still...
-      if (resolved_username.size() == 0) {
-        // The user name didn't resolve, let's look in the password database for
-        // matches.
-        // The user name database contains duplicates, and is not in
-        // alphabetical order, so
-        // we'll use a set to manage that for us.
-        FileSpec::ResolvePartialUsername(partial_name_copy, matches);
-        if (matches.GetSize() > 0)
-          saw_directory = true;
-        return matches.GetSize();
-      } else {
-        // The thing exists, put a '/' on the end, and return it...
-        // FIXME: complete user names here:
-        partial_name_copy[partial_name_len] = '/';
-        partial_name_copy[partial_name_len + 1] = '\0';
-        matches.AppendString(partial_name_copy);
-        saw_directory = true;
-        return matches.GetSize();
-      }
-    } else {
-      // The containing part is the CWD, and the whole string is the remainder.
-      containing_part = ".";
-      strcpy(remainder, partial_name_copy);
-      end_ptr = partial_name_copy;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (end_ptr == partial_name_copy) {
-      // We're completing a file or directory in the root volume.
-      containing_part = "/";
-    } else {
-      containing_part.append(partial_name_copy, end_ptr);
-    }
-    // Push end_ptr past the final "/" and set remainder.
-    end_ptr++;
-    strcpy(remainder, end_ptr);
-  }
+  std::error_code EC;
+  fs::directory_iterator Iter(SearchDir, EC, false);
+  fs::directory_iterator End;
+  for (; Iter != End && !EC; Iter.increment(EC)) {
+    auto &Entry = *Iter;
-  // Look for a user name in the containing part, and if it's there, resolve it
-  // and stick the
-  // result back into the containing_part:
+    auto Name = path::filename(Entry.path());
-  if (*partial_name_copy == '~') {
-    FileSpec::ResolveUsername(containing_part);
-    // User name doesn't exist, we're not getting any further...
-    if (containing_part.empty())
-      return matches.GetSize();
-  }
+    // Omit ".", ".."
+    if (Name == "." || Name == ".." || !Name.startswith(PartialItem))
+      continue;
-  // Okay, containing_part is now the directory we want to open and look for
-  // files:
+    // We have a match.
-  size_t baselen = end_ptr - partial_name_copy;
+    fs::file_status st;
+    if (EC = Entry.status(st))
+      continue;
-  DiskFilesOrDirectoriesBaton parameters;
-  parameters.remainder = remainder;
-  parameters.partial_name_copy = partial_name_copy;
-  parameters.only_directories = only_directories;
-  parameters.saw_directory = &saw_directory;
-  parameters.matches = &matches;
-  parameters.end_ptr = end_ptr;
-  parameters.baselen = baselen;
+    // If it's a symlink, then we treat it as a directory as long as the target
+    // is a directory.
+    bool is_dir = fs::is_directory(st);
+    if (fs::is_symlink_file(st)) {
+      fs::file_status target_st;
+      if (!fs::status(Entry.path(), target_st))
+        is_dir = fs::is_directory(target_st);
+    }
+    if (only_directories && !is_dir)
+      continue;
+    // Shrink it back down so that it just has the original prefix the user
+    // typed and remove the part of the name which is common to the located
+    // item and what the user typed.
+    CompletionBuffer.resize(FullPrefixLen);
+    Name = Name.drop_front(PartialItem.size());
+    CompletionBuffer.append(Name);
+    if (is_dir) {
+      saw_directory = true;
+      path::append(CompletionBuffer, path::get_separator());
+    }
-  FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory(containing_part.c_str(), true, true, true,
-                               DiskFilesOrDirectoriesCallback, &parameters);
+    matches.AppendString(CompletionBuffer);
+  }
   return matches.GetSize();
@@ -283,19 +240,33 @@
                                   int max_return_elements,
                                   SearchFilter *searcher, bool &word_complete,
                                   StringList &matches) {
-  int ret_val =
-      DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, false, word_complete, matches);
-  word_complete = !word_complete;
+  word_complete = false;
+  return DiskFiles2(partial_file_name, matches);
+int CommandCompletions::DiskFiles2(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
+                                   StringList &matches,
+                                   TildeExpressionResolver *Resolver) {
+  bool word_complete;
+  int ret_val = DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, false, word_complete,
+                                       matches, Resolver);
   return ret_val;
 int CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(
     CommandInterpreter &interpreter, llvm::StringRef partial_file_name,
     int match_start_point, int max_return_elements, SearchFilter *searcher,
     bool &word_complete, StringList &matches) {
-  int ret_val =
-      DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, true, word_complete, matches);
   word_complete = false;
+  return DiskDirectories2(partial_file_name, matches);
+int CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories2(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
+                                         StringList &matches,
+                                         TildeExpressionResolver *Resolver) {
+  bool word_complete;
+  int ret_val = DiskFilesOrDirectories(partial_file_name, true, word_complete,
+                                       matches, Resolver);
   return ret_val;
Index: lldb/include/lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/include/lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//===--------------------- TildeExpressionResolver.h ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+namespace lldb_private {
+struct TildeExpressionResolver {
+  virtual ~TildeExpressionResolver() = default;
+  virtual bool ResolveExact(llvm::StringRef Expr,
+                            llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output) = 0;
+  virtual bool ResolvePartial(llvm::StringRef Expr,
+                              llvm::StringSet<> &Output) = 0;
+class StandardTildeExpressionResolver : public TildeExpressionResolver {
+  bool ResolveExact(llvm::StringRef Expr,
+                    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output) override;
+  bool ResolvePartial(llvm::StringRef Expr, llvm::StringSet<> &Output) override;
Index: lldb/include/lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h
--- lldb/include/lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h
+++ lldb/include/lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@
 #include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
+struct TildeExpressionResolver;
 class CommandCompletions {
@@ -76,12 +79,20 @@
                        int max_return_elements, SearchFilter *searcher,
                        bool &word_complete, StringList &matches);
+  static int DiskFiles2(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
+                        StringList &matches,
+                        TildeExpressionResolver *Resolver = nullptr);
   static int DiskDirectories(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                              llvm::StringRef partial_file_name,
                              int match_start_point, int max_return_elements,
                              SearchFilter *searcher, bool &word_complete,
                              StringList &matches);
+  static int DiskDirectories2(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
+                              StringList &matches,
+                              TildeExpressionResolver *Resolver = nullptr);
   static int SourceFiles(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
                          llvm::StringRef partial_file_name,
                          int match_start_point, int max_return_elements,
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