clayborg added a comment.

Let me know what you think about the MergeFrom comment. I am generally ok with 
this, but just wanted to check in case the merge made any sense in this patch 

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/elf-core/ProcessElfCore.cpp:220
+  // information. Hence we need to relied on target architecture for that.
+  if (arch.IsValid() && !arch.IsMIPS())
+    GetTarget().SetArchitecture(arch);
nitesh.jain wrote:
> labath wrote:
> > Here you copy the architecture from core to target.
> Actually we are skipping it , if the arch is MIPS ( ! arch.IsMIPS()).  
So the target has an incomplete architecture here? If that is true, you should 
probably get the architecture and merge it. You can merge any missing info with:

ArchSpec target_arch = GetTarget().GetArchitecture();
ArchSpec core_arch(m_core_module_sp->GetArchitecture());

Not sure how that would work here, but we should be using this. If we have a 
target whose arch is "x86_64-apple-macosx" and you have a core file that is 
"mips-..." an error should be produced.

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