mgorny added a comment.

In, @labath wrote:

> We don't depend on the RuntimeDyld component of llvm directy -- we only use 
> it indirectly through the ExecutionEngine component. Shouldn't that be 
> reflected as a dependency in the build system somehow, so that the former can 
> be pulled in directly ?
>  RuntimeDyld is listed as a dependency of ExecutionEngine in 
> lib/ExecutionEngine/LLVMBuild.txt, but that does not seem to be reflected in 
> the cmake? Is that a bug on the llvm side?

I think it's not that simple. If that was a plain missing dependency in 
ExecutionEngine, then linking of shared ExecutionEngine would fail due to 
missing symbols. Since it doesn't, and it makes LLDB libraries fail, I presume 
this is the kind of indirect dependency that somehow forces a direct dependency 
via the headers. If you can confirm it's that, and that we want to implicitly 
force linking RuntimeDyld to all ExecutionEngine consumers, then I'll look if 
we can do that properly within LLVM CMake files or extend our support for 
dependencies for that.

However, I think that only makes sense if the dependency is indeed frequently 
indirectly exposed and not e.g. dependent on use of some uncommon thingy.


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