ravitheja added a comment.

Although a bit confusing, there is more flexibility for the user.I must also 
point out that the trace buffer available is not unlimited and there can be 
situations where a user might simultaneously want to trace newly spawned 
threads with a smaller buffer and trace an individual thread with perhaps a 
bigger buffer size.  Tracing all threads is definitely important coz the user 
might not want to separately start tracing on each new thread. Now the current 
design might be a bit confusing but I am willing to document it well with 
examples and uses cases.

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeProcessLinux.h:277
+  llvm::DenseMap<lldb::tid_t, ProcessorTraceMonitorSP>
+      m_processor_trace_monitor;
labath wrote:
> I'd like to downgrade these to unique pointers to ProcessTraceMonitor. 
> There's no reason for these to ever outlive or escape the process instance, 
> so it's natural to say they are strongly owned by it. In other places where 
> you use ProcessorTraceMonitorSP you can just use regular pointers or 
> references (depending on whether they can be null or not).
Hi, I don't see the advantage of changing to unique pointers ? coz when the 
process dies they will be destroyed anyhow, plus using shared pointers makes it 
easier for functions operating with the ProcessTraceMonitor to work.


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