labath created this revision.
labath added reviewers: JDevlieghere, clayborg.
Herald added a subscriber: aprantl.

This extracts the common bits out of the two implementations back into
the SymbolFileDWARF class. The goal was to make the function as similar
as possible to the other DWARFIndex methods (i.e, to restrict the work
of the index classes to DIE offset manipulation only, and leave the
offset interpretation to the caller).

To achieve this, i've split the function into three functions, for
looking up:

- full names
- objc methods
- methods and functions

The first two are trivial, and they just extract DIE offsets into an
array. The last one needed a slightly more complex interface, because of
the differences in how the two indexes operate -- manual index is able
to differentiate between methods and non-methods, while the apple table
is not. For this reason, the function returns three offset arrays
instead of just one. The first two are for DIEs which we know are/are
not methods, and the third one is for those we are unsure. In this case,
the caller needs to do extra work to tell them apart.


Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h"
 #include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangModulesDeclVendor.h"
+#include "Plugins/Language/ObjC/ObjCLanguage.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
@@ -1475,7 +1476,7 @@
 size_t SymbolFileDWARF::GetObjCMethodDIEOffsets(ConstString class_name,
                                                 DIEArray &method_die_offsets) {
-  m_index->GetObjCMethods(class_name, method_die_offsets);
+  m_index->GetObjCMethodsForClass(class_name, method_die_offsets);
   return method_die_offsets.size();
@@ -2214,6 +2215,9 @@
   if (!append)
+  if (parent_decl_ctx && !parent_decl_ctx->IsValid())
+    parent_decl_ctx = nullptr;
   if (!DeclContextMatchesThisSymbolFile(parent_decl_ctx))
     return 0;
@@ -2230,16 +2234,121 @@
   if (info == NULL)
     return 0;
-  m_index->GetFunctions(name, *info,
-                        [this](const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                               lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list) {
-                          return ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list);
-                        },
-                        [this](lldb::user_id_t type_uid) {
-                          return GetDeclContextContainingUID(type_uid);
-                        },
-                        parent_decl_ctx, name_type_mask, include_inlines,
-                        sc_list);
+  llvm::DenseSet<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *> resolved_dies;
+  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeFull) {
+    DIEArray offsets;
+    m_index->GetFunctionsByFullName(name, offsets);
+    for (const DIERef &ref : offsets) {
+      DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(ref);
+      if (!die) {
+        m_index->ReportInvalidDIEOffset(ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
+        continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+      if (resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE()).second)
+        ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list);
+    }
+  }
+  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeSelector && !parent_decl_ctx) {
+    DIEArray offsets;
+    m_index->GetObjCMethodsByName(name, offsets);
+    // Now make sure these are actually ObjC methods.  In this case we can
+    // simply look up the name, and if it is an ObjC method name, we're
+    // good.
+    for (const DIERef &ref : offsets) {
+      DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(ref);
+      if (!die) {
+        m_index->ReportInvalidDIEOffset(ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!ObjCLanguage::IsPossibleObjCMethodName(die.GetName()))
+        continue;
+      if (resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE()).second)
+        ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list);
+    }
+  }
+  if (((name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod) && !parent_decl_ctx) ||
+      name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
+    DIEArray base_offsets, method_offsets, unknown_offsets;
+    m_index->GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(
+        name, FunctionNameType(name_type_mask), base_offsets, method_offsets,
+        unknown_offsets);
+    for (const DIERef &ref : base_offsets) {
+      DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(ref);
+      if (!die) {
+        m_index->ReportInvalidDIEOffset(ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
+        continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+      if (resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE()).second)
+        ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list);
+    }
+    if (!parent_decl_ctx) {
+      for (const DIERef &ref : method_offsets) {
+        DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(ref);
+        if (!die) {
+          m_index->ReportInvalidDIEOffset(ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE()).second)
+          ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list);
+      }
+    }
+    for (const DIERef &ref : unknown_offsets) {
+      DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(ref);
+      if (!die) {
+        m_index->ReportInvalidDIEOffset(ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
+        continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+      // If we get to here, the die is good, so add it to our list
+      // provisionally.
+      if (resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE()).second &&
+          ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list)) {
+        if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase &&
+            name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod)
+          continue;
+        // We are looking for either basenames or methods, so we need to trim
+        // out the ones we won't want by looking at the type
+        const bool looking_for_methods =
+            name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod;
+        SymbolContext sc;
+        sc_list.GetLastContext(sc);
+        if (sc.block)
+          continue; // We have an inlined function
+        if (!sc.function)
+          continue;
+        Type *type = sc.function->GetType();
+        if (!type) {
+          GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->ReportWarning(
+              "function at die offset 0x%8.8x had no function type",
+              ref.die_offset);
+          continue;
+        }
+        CompilerDeclContext decl_ctx =
+            GetDeclContextContainingUID(type->GetID());
+        if (decl_ctx.IsStructUnionOrClass() != looking_for_methods) {
+          // We have a mismatch, remove our function from the list.
+          sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(sc_list.GetSize() - 1);
+          resolved_dies.erase(die.GetDIE());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // Return the number of variable that were appended to the list
   const uint32_t num_matches = sc_list.GetSize() - original_size;
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.h
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.h
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.h
@@ -25,21 +25,19 @@
   void GetGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex,
                           DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetGlobalVariables(const DWARFUnit &cu, DIEArray &offsets) override;
-  void GetObjCMethods(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetObjCMethodsForClass(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetCompleteObjCClass(ConstString class_name, bool must_be_implementation,
                             DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetTypes(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetTypes(const DWARFDeclContext &context, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetNamespaces(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
-  void GetFunctions(
-      ConstString name, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
-      llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                              lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list)>
-          resolve_function,
-      llvm::function_ref<CompilerDeclContext(lldb::user_id_t type_uid)>
-          get_decl_context_containing_uid,
-      const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t name_type_mask,
-      bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list) override;
+  void GetFunctionsByFullName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetObjCMethodsByName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(ConstString name,
+                                      lldb::FunctionNameType flags,
+                                      DIEArray &base_offsets,
+                                      DIEArray &method_offsets,
+                                      DIEArray &unknown_offsets) override;
   void GetFunctions(
       const RegularExpression &regex, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
       llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/ManualDWARFIndex.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
   m_globals.FindAllEntriesForCompileUnit(cu.GetOffset(), offsets);
-void ManualDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethods(ConstString class_name,
+void ManualDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethodsForClass(ConstString class_name,
                                       DIEArray &offsets) {
   m_objc_class_selectors.Find(class_name, offsets);
@@ -154,91 +154,31 @@
   m_namespaces.Find(name, offsets);
-void ManualDWARFIndex::GetFunctions(
-    ConstString name, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
-    llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                            lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list)>
-        resolve_function,
-    llvm::function_ref<CompilerDeclContext(lldb::user_id_t type_uid)>
-        get_decl_context_containing_uid,
-    const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t name_type_mask,
-    bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list) {
+void ManualDWARFIndex::GetFunctionsByFullName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) {
+  m_function_basenames.Find(name, offsets);
+  m_function_methods.Find(name, offsets);
+  m_function_fullnames.Find(name, offsets);
-  std::set<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *> resolved_dies;
-  DIEArray offsets;
-  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeFull) {
-    uint32_t num_matches = m_function_basenames.Find(name, offsets);
-    num_matches += m_function_methods.Find(name, offsets);
-    num_matches += m_function_fullnames.Find(name, offsets);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
-      const DIERef &die_ref = offsets[i];
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(die_ref);
-      if (die) {
-        if (!SymbolFileDWARF::DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
-          continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
-        if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-          if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-            resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    offsets.clear();
-  }
-  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
-    uint32_t num_base = m_function_basenames.Find(name, offsets);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_base; i++) {
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(offsets[i]);
-      if (die) {
-        if (!SymbolFileDWARF::DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
-          continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
-        // If we get to here, the die is good, and we should add it:
-        if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-          if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-            resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    offsets.clear();
-  }
+void ManualDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethodsByName(ConstString name,
+                                            DIEArray &offsets) {
+  Index();
+  m_function_selectors.Find(name, offsets);
-  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod) {
-    if (parent_decl_ctx && parent_decl_ctx->IsValid())
-      return; // no methods in namespaces
+void ManualDWARFIndex::GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(
+    ConstString name, lldb::FunctionNameType flags, DIEArray &base_offsets,
+    DIEArray &method_offsets, DIEArray &unknown_offsets) {
+  Index();
-    uint32_t num_base = m_function_methods.Find(name, offsets);
-    {
-      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_base; i++) {
-        DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(offsets[i]);
-        if (die) {
-          // If we get to here, the die is good, and we should add it:
-          if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-            if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-              resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    offsets.clear();
-  }
+  // We have checked the type of DIEs while building the index, so we can give
+  // exact answers here.
+  if (flags & eFunctionNameTypeBase)
+    m_function_basenames.Find(name, base_offsets);
-  if ((name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeSelector) &&
-      (!parent_decl_ctx || !parent_decl_ctx->IsValid())) {
-    uint32_t num_selectors = m_function_selectors.Find(name, offsets);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selectors; i++) {
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(offsets[i]);
-      if (die) {
-        // If we get to here, the die is good, and we should add it:
-        if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-          if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-            resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  if (flags & eFunctionNameTypeMethod)
+    m_function_methods.Find(name, method_offsets);
 void ManualDWARFIndex::GetFunctions(
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFIndex.h
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFIndex.h
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFIndex.h
@@ -29,22 +29,28 @@
   virtual void GetGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex,
                                   DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetGlobalVariables(const DWARFUnit &cu, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
-  virtual void GetObjCMethods(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
+  virtual void GetObjCMethodsForClass(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetCompleteObjCClass(ConstString class_name,
                                     bool must_be_implementation,
                                     DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetTypes(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetTypes(const DWARFDeclContext &context, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetNamespaces(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
-  virtual void GetFunctions(
-      ConstString name, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
-      llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                              lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list)>
-          resolve_function,
-      llvm::function_ref<CompilerDeclContext(lldb::user_id_t type_uid)>
-          get_decl_context_containing_uid,
-      const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t name_type_mask,
-      bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list) = 0;
+  virtual void GetFunctionsByFullName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
+  virtual void GetObjCMethodsByName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) = 0;
+  /// Find functions or methods with the given name. Only the
+  /// eFunctionNameTypeMethod and eFunctionNameTypeBase bits in the input flags
+  /// are inspected. If the implementation is certain a given DIE represents a
+  /// (non-member) function, it should put it in the base_offsets array. Method
+  /// DIEs should go into the method_offsets array. An implementation can put a
+  /// DIE into the unknown_offsets array if it cannot determine its type. It is up
+  /// to the caller to correctly classify these.
+  virtual void GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(ConstString name,
+                                              lldb::FunctionNameType flags,
+                                              DIEArray &base_offsets,
+                                              DIEArray &method_offsets,
+                                              DIEArray &unknown_offsets) = 0;
   virtual void GetFunctions(
       const RegularExpression &regex, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
       llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.h
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.h
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.h
@@ -37,21 +37,19 @@
   void GetGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex,
                           DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetGlobalVariables(const DWARFUnit &cu, DIEArray &offsets) override;
-  void GetObjCMethods(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetObjCMethodsForClass(ConstString class_name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetCompleteObjCClass(ConstString class_name, bool must_be_implementation,
                             DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetTypes(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetTypes(const DWARFDeclContext &context, DIEArray &offsets) override;
   void GetNamespaces(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
-  void GetFunctions(
-      ConstString name, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
-      llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                              lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list)>
-          resolve_function,
-      llvm::function_ref<CompilerDeclContext(lldb::user_id_t type_uid)>
-          get_decl_context_containing_uid,
-      const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t name_type_mask,
-      bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list) override;
+  void GetFunctionsByFullName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetObjCMethodsByName(ConstString name, DIEArray &offsets) override;
+  void GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(ConstString name,
+                                      lldb::FunctionNameType flags,
+                                      DIEArray &base_offsets,
+                                      DIEArray &method_offsets,
+                                      DIEArray &unknown_offsets) override;
   void GetFunctions(
       const RegularExpression &regex, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
       llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/AppleDWARFIndex.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #include "Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/LogChannelDWARF.h"
 #include "Plugins/Language/CPlusPlus/CPlusPlusLanguage.h"
-#include "Plugins/Language/ObjC/ObjCLanguage.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@
     DWARFMappedHash::ExtractDIEArray(hash_data, offsets);
-void AppleDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethods(ConstString class_name,
+void AppleDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethodsForClass(ConstString class_name,
                                      DIEArray &offsets) {
   if (m_apple_objc_up)
     m_apple_objc_up->FindByName(class_name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
@@ -146,134 +145,29 @@
     m_apple_namespaces_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-void AppleDWARFIndex::GetFunctions(
-    ConstString name, DWARFDebugInfo &info,
-    llvm::function_ref<bool(const DWARFDIE &die, bool include_inlines,
-                            lldb_private::SymbolContextList &sc_list)>
-        resolve_function,
-    llvm::function_ref<CompilerDeclContext(lldb::user_id_t type_uid)>
-        get_decl_context_containing_uid,
-    const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, uint32_t name_type_mask,
-    bool include_inlines, SymbolContextList &sc_list) {
-  if (!m_apple_names_up)
-    return;
-  std::set<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *> resolved_dies;
-  DIEArray offsets;
-  uint32_t num_matches = 0;
-  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeFull) {
-    // If they asked for the full name, match what they typed.  At some
-    // point we may want to canonicalize this (strip double spaces, etc.
-    // For now, we just add all the dies that we find by exact match.
-    num_matches = m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
-      const DIERef &die_ref = offsets[i];
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(die_ref);
-      if (die) {
-        if (!SymbolFileDWARF::DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
-          continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
-        if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-          if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-            resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-        }
-      } else
-        ReportInvalidDIEOffset(die_ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
-    }
-  }
-  if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeSelector) {
-    if (parent_decl_ctx && parent_decl_ctx->IsValid())
-      return; // no selectors in namespaces
-    num_matches = m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-    // Now make sure these are actually ObjC methods.  In this case we can
-    // simply look up the name, and if it is an ObjC method name, we're
-    // good.
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
-      const DIERef &die_ref = offsets[i];
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(die_ref);
-      if (die) {
-        const char *die_name = die.GetName();
-        if (ObjCLanguage::IsPossibleObjCMethodName(die_name)) {
-          if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
-            if (resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
-              resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-          }
-        }
-      } else
-        ReportInvalidDIEOffset(die_ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
-    }
-    offsets.clear();
-  }
-  if (((name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod) && !parent_decl_ctx) ||
-      name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
-    // The apple_names table stores just the "base name" of C++ methods in
-    // the table.  So we have to extract the base name, look that up, and
-    // if there is any other information in the name we were passed in we
-    // have to post-filter based on that.
-    // FIXME: Arrange the logic above so that we don't calculate the base
-    // name twice:
-    num_matches = m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
-      const DIERef &die_ref = offsets[i];
-      DWARFDIE die = info.GetDIE(die_ref);
-      if (die) {
-        if (!SymbolFileDWARF::DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
-          continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+void AppleDWARFIndex::GetFunctionsByFullName(ConstString name,
+                                             DIEArray &offsets) {
+  // If they asked for the full name, match what they typed.  At some point we
+  // may want to canonicalize this (strip double spaces, etc.  For now, we just
+  // add all the dies that we find by exact match.
+  if (m_apple_names_up)
+    m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-        // If we get to here, the die is good, and we should add it:
-        if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end() &&
-            resolve_function(die, include_inlines, sc_list)) {
-          bool keep_die = true;
-          if ((name_type_mask &
-               (eFunctionNameTypeBase | eFunctionNameTypeMethod)) !=
-              (eFunctionNameTypeBase | eFunctionNameTypeMethod)) {
-            // We are looking for either basenames or methods, so we need
-            // to trim out the ones we won't want by looking at the type
-            SymbolContext sc;
-            if (sc_list.GetLastContext(sc)) {
-              if (sc.block) {
-                // We have an inlined function
-              } else if (sc.function) {
-                Type *type = sc.function->GetType();
+void AppleDWARFIndex::GetObjCMethodsByName(ConstString name,
+                                           DIEArray &offsets) {
+  if (m_apple_names_up)
+    m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), offsets);
-                if (type) {
-                  CompilerDeclContext decl_ctx =
-                      get_decl_context_containing_uid(type->GetID());
-                  if (decl_ctx.IsStructUnionOrClass()) {
-                    if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
-                      sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(sc_list.GetSize() - 1);
-                      keep_die = false;
-                    }
-                  } else {
-                    if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeMethod) {
-                      sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(sc_list.GetSize() - 1);
-                      keep_die = false;
-                    }
-                  }
-                } else {
-                  m_module.ReportWarning(
-                      "function at die offset 0x%8.8x had no function type",
-                      die_ref.die_offset);
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (keep_die)
-            resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
-        }
-      } else
-        ReportInvalidDIEOffset(die_ref.die_offset, name.GetStringRef());
-    }
-    offsets.clear();
-  }
+void AppleDWARFIndex::GetFunctionsByBaseOrMethodName(
+    ConstString name, lldb::FunctionNameType flags, DIEArray &base_offsets,
+    DIEArray &method_offsets, DIEArray &unknown_offsets) {
+  // It's impossible to tell functions and methods apart from the apple_names
+  // contents alone.  So, we just extract the data into the unknown_offsets and
+  // let the caller filter that.
+  if (m_apple_names_up)
+    m_apple_names_up->FindByName(name.GetStringRef(), unknown_offsets);
 void AppleDWARFIndex::GetFunctions(
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