lemo added a comment.

Looks really good, a few comments inline.

This may not big a big deal, but the part about FP (and Apple vs. non-Apple) is 
confusing: the FP is a pretty weak convention, and in some ABIs is not actually 
"fixed" (ex. FP can be either https://reviews.llvm.org/source/openmp/ or 
https://reviews.llvm.org/source/libunwind/, which in turn can be used as GPRs). 
If Apple sticks to a strict usage it makes sense to name it but then maybe we 
should just not name any FP for non-Apple?

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/MinidumpParser.cpp:149-150
 ArchSpec MinidumpParser::GetArchitecture() {
-  ArchSpec arch_spec;
+  if (m_arch.IsValid())
+    return m_arch;
   const MinidumpSystemInfo *system_info = GetSystemInfo();
instead of useing m_arch as a cache I'd explicitly initialize it in 

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/MinidumpParser.cpp:212-216
+      std::string csd_version;
+      if (auto s = GetMinidumpString(system_info->csd_version_rva))
+        csd_version = *s;
+      if (csd_version.find("Linux") != std::string::npos)
+        triple.setOS(llvm::Triple::OSType::Linux);
why is this needed when we have MinidumpOSPlatform::Linux ?

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/ProcessMinidump.cpp:179
+    auto platform_sp = target.GetPlatform();
+    if (platform_sp && !platform_sp->IsCompatibleArchitecture(arch, false, 
nullptr)) {
+      ArchSpec platform_arch;
shouldn't this be a check resulting in an error? why do we need to make this 
implicit adjustment here?

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:192
+static size_t k_num_reg_infos = llvm::array_lengthof(g_reg_infos);

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:195
+// ARM general purpose registers.
+const uint32_t g_gpr_regnums[] = {
+  reg_r0,  reg_r1,  reg_r2,  reg_r3,  reg_r4, reg_r5, reg_r6, reg_r7,
use std::array for these kind of static arrays? (debug bounds checks, easy 
access to the static size, ...)

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:225
+  m_regs.context_flags = data.GetU32(&offset);
+  for (unsigned i=0; i<16; ++i)
+    m_regs.r[i] = data.GetU32(&offset);
symbolic constants or use the array size?

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:231
+    m_regs.d[i] = data.GetU64(&offset);
+  assert(k_num_regs == k_num_reg_infos_apple);
+  assert(k_num_regs == k_num_reg_infos);
lldb_assert ?

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:242
+size_t RegisterContextMinidump_ARM::GetRegisterCount() {
+  return k_num_regs;
not a big deal, but this kind of accessors for constants can be constexpr 

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:248
+RegisterContextMinidump_ARM::GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(size_t reg) {
+  if (reg < k_num_reg_infos)
+    return &m_reg_infos[reg];
failfast if out of bounds? who'd pass an invalid index and expect a meaninful 
(btw, std::array would provide the debug checks if that's all that we want)

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.cpp:281
+bool RegisterContextMinidump_ARM::WriteRegister(
+    const RegisterInfo *reg_info, const RegisterValue &reg_value) {
+  return false;
remove unused parameter name or [[maybe_unused]]

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.h:82
+    Context m_regs;
+    RegisterInfo *m_reg_infos;
+    size_t m_num_reg_infos;
 = nullptr;

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM.h:83
+    RegisterInfo *m_reg_infos;
+    size_t m_num_reg_infos;
= 0;

Comment at: source/Plugins/Process/minidump/RegisterContextMinidump_ARM64.h:37
+  ~RegisterContextMinidump_ARM64() override {}
=default instead of {} ?


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