xiaobai added a comment.

Looks good

Comment at: cmake/modules/LLDBFramework.cmake:41
+  DEPENDS ${framework_headers}
+  COMMAND ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/framework-header-fix.sh
keith wrote:
> xiaobai wrote:
> > This should not just depend on `framework_headers`, because those are in 
> > the location `${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FrameworkHeaders`. You want to 
> > run the script on `$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:liblldb>/Headers`, which is not 
> > guaranteed to exist or have been populated with headers when this actually 
> > gets run. See my comment above.
> Updated this by making it a POST_BUILD command instead
Can you combine this with the lldb-framework POST_BUILD above? After that this 
should be good to go.


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