labath added a comment.

I have a lot of comments, but I think they're mostly cosmetic. I think the 
general idea here is good.

Comment at: include/lldb/API/SBInitializerOptions.h:15
+#include "lldb/API/SBFileSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/Initialization/SystemInitializer.h"
You cannot include non-API headers from SB headers (cpp files are fine). 
`SystemInitializer::Options` needs to forward-declared. (I guess that means 
moving it out of the SystemInitializer class).

Comment at: include/lldb/API/SBInitializerOptions.h:17
+#include <vector>
not needed?

Comment at: include/lldb/API/SBInitializerOptions.h:32
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<lldb_private::SystemInitializer::Options> 
I think this will make the copy-constructor of this class deleted, which will 
not play well with python. I think you'll need to declare your own copy 
operations here (something like SBExpressionOptions, I guess).

Also, why is this `mutable`? SBExpressionOptions seems to have that too, but 
it's not clear to me why would that be needed?

Comment at: include/lldb/Initialization/SystemInitializer.h:28
+  virtual void Initialize(Options options) = 0;
   virtual void Terminate() = 0;
`const Options &` ? (it contains a string so it's not trivial to copy).

Comment at: lit/Reproducer/TestGDBRemoteRepro.test:7
+# RUN: %clang %S/Inputs/simple.c -g -o %t.out --target=x86_64-apple-macosx
+# RUN: %lldb -x -b -s %S/Inputs/ --capture %T/reproducer -- 
%t.out | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix REPLAY
With  `--target` this test will not run on other platforms. This sounds like it 
should work on platforms using gdb-remote (i.e., mac & linux). Maybe remove the 
--target and set an appropriate REQUIRES directive.

Comment at: lit/Reproducer/TestGDBRemoteRepro.test:8
+# RUN: %clang %S/Inputs/simple.c -g -o %t.out --target=x86_64-apple-macosx
+# RUN: %lldb -x -b -s %S/Inputs/ --capture %T/reproducer -- 
%t.out | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix REPLAY
+# RUN: %lldb -x -b -s %S/Inputs/ --replay %T/reproducer -- 
%t.out | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix REPLAY

Comment at: scripts/interface/SBInitializerOptions.i:15
+    SBInitializerOptions ();
Weird formatting.

Comment at: source/Initialization/SystemInitializerCommon.cpp:74
+  Reproducer::Initialize(mode, FileSpec(options.reproducer_path.c_str()));
remove `.c_str()`

Comment at: source/Utility/Reproducer.cpp:41-42
+Reproducer::Reproducer(ReproducerMode mode, llvm::Optional<FileSpec> root) {
+  // It's unfortunate that we have to do so much I/O here that can fail. The
+  // best we can do is not initialize the reproducer.
+  switch (mode) {
It should be possible to bubble this all the way up to the 
`SBDebugger::Initialize` call. Is there a reason to not do that?

Comment at: tools/driver/CMakeLists.txt:21
+    lldbUtility
This is wrong. The driver should only  use the public API exposed via liblldb. 
Why did you need to do that?

Comment at: unittests/Utility/ReproducerTest.cpp:39-43
+  llvm::Error SetCapture(bool b) { return Reproducer::SetCapture(b); }
+  llvm::Error SetReplay(llvm::Optional<FileSpec> root) {
+    return Reproducer::SetReplay(root);
+  }
You should be able to change the visibility of these via `using` directives. 
(`using Reproducer::SetCapture`).



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