labath added a comment.
Herald added a reviewer: jdoerfert.

The intention is for the pointer in `Expected<TypeSystem *>` to be non-null in 
the success case, right? If that's true, then I'd suggest to make that explicit 
by returning a reference (`Expected<TypeSystem&>`) instead.

Comment at: source/Core/ValueObjectRegister.cpp:261
+      if (auto *exe_module = target->GetExecutableModulePointer()) {
+        if (auto type_system_or_err =
+                exe_module->GetTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC)) {
JDevlieghere wrote:
> As a general note: I think it's good practice to use `llvm::consumeError` 
> when discarding the error to make it explicit that it's not handled. This 
> also makes it easier down the line to handle the error, e.g. by logging it.
This is not just good practice, it is actually required. An simply checking the 
bool-ness of the Expected object will not set the "checked" flag of the error 
object, and it will assert when it is destroyed (if asserts are enabled).

Comment at: source/Core/ValueObjectRegister.cpp:263
+                exe_module->GetTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC)) {
+          auto *type_system = *type_system_or_err;
           m_compiler_type = type_system->GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(
If you returned a reference then you also wouldn't need this extra variable to 
avoid weird double-deref.


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