JDevlieghere added a comment.

In D65611#1611724 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D65611#1611724>, @labath wrote:

> The details of how our FS capture works have unfortunately, swapped out of my 
> memory, but... isn't this the sort of thing that should already be handled by 
> the filesystem capture/replay machinery? It sounds to me like it could/should 
> remember what the CWD at the time of capture was, and then, when replaying, 
> point the fake CWD into the right place in the captured filesystem image. 
> This way, the relative paths should resolve the same way as they originally 
> did.

This functionality is not currently present in the VFS, but I've created a 
patch to support it: https://reviews.llvm.org/D65677

> This patch just moves the place where this VFS definiciency manifests itself 
> (*), so that it does not pose a problem for this particular use case. 
> However, I'd be surprised if this is the only relative path that is being 
> resolved inconsistently, and I think a more general solution would be more 
> appropriate.
> (*) What I mean by that, is that the `SBFileSpec::ResolvePath` will still end 
> up returning a different value during replay than what it did originally. 
> However, because the data leaves the SB boundary, and then crosses it back in 
> through SBStream::Printf, we lose track of the fact that this is the same 
> data, and we capture it as a constant. Before this patch, the data was always 
> under the SB boundary, and so we were assuming that the data flow will be 
> identical during record&replay, which it wasn't, and that is the real bug, I 
> think.



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