aadsm updated this revision to Diff 222848.
aadsm added a comment.

Update comment and test

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/unittests/ObjectFile/ELF/TestObjectFileELF.cpp
--- lldb/unittests/ObjectFile/ELF/TestObjectFileELF.cpp
+++ lldb/unittests/ObjectFile/ELF/TestObjectFileELF.cpp
@@ -172,3 +172,131 @@
   Uuid.SetFromStringRef("1b8a73ac238390e32a7ff4ac8ebe4d6a41ecf5c9", 20);
   EXPECT_EQ(Spec.GetUUID(), Uuid);
+TEST_F(ObjectFileELFTest, GetSymtab_NoSymEntryPointArmThumbAddressClass) {
+  /*
+  // nosym-entrypoint-arm-thumb.s
+  .global _Start
+  .thumb_func
+  _start:
+      mov r0, #42
+      mov r7, #1
+      svc #0
+  // arm-linux-androideabi-as nosym-entrypoint-arm-thumb.s
+  //   -o nosym-entrypoint-arm-thumb.o
+  // arm-linux-androideabi-ld nosym-entrypoint-arm-thumb.o
+  //   -o nosym-entrypoint-arm-thumb -e 0x8075 -s
+  */
+  auto ExpectedFile = TestFile::fromYaml(R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:           ELFCLASS32
+  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:            ET_EXEC
+  Machine:         EM_ARM
+  Flags:           [ EF_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT, EF_ARM_EABI_VER5 ]
+  Entry:           0x0000000000008075
+  - Name:            .text
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000008074
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000002
+    Content:         2A20012700DF
+  - Name:            .data
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000009000
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+    Content:         ''
+  - Name:            .bss
+    Type:            SHT_NOBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000009000
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+  - Name:            .note.gnu.gold-version
+    Type:            SHT_NOTE
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000004
+    Content:         040000000900000004000000474E5500676F6C6420312E3131000000
+  - Name:            .ARM.attributes
+    Type:            SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+    Content:         '4113000000616561626900010900000006020901'
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFile, llvm::Succeeded());
+  ModuleSpec spec{FileSpec(ExpectedFile->name())};
+  spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().SetFile(ExpectedFile->name(),
+                                   FileSpec::Style::native);
+  auto module_sp = std::make_shared<Module>(spec);
+  auto entry_point_addr = module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetEntryPointAddress();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(entry_point_addr.GetOffset() & 1);
+  // Decrease the offsite by 1 to make it into a breakable address since this
+  // is Thumb.
+  entry_point_addr.SetOffset(entry_point_addr.GetOffset() - 1);
+  ASSERT_EQ(entry_point_addr.GetAddressClass(),
+            AddressClass::eCodeAlternateISA);
+TEST_F(ObjectFileELFTest, GetSymtab_NoSymEntryPointArmAddressClass) {
+  /*
+  // nosym-entrypoint-arm.s
+  .global _Start
+  _start:
+      movs r0, #42
+      movs r7, #1
+      svc #0
+  // arm-linux-androideabi-as nosym-entrypoint-arm.s
+  //   -o nosym-entrypoint-arm.o
+  // arm-linux-androideabi-ld nosym-entrypoint-arm.o
+  //   -o nosym-entrypoint-arm -e 0x8074 -s
+  */
+  auto ExpectedFile = TestFile::fromYaml(R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:           ELFCLASS32
+  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:            ET_EXEC
+  Machine:         EM_ARM
+  Flags:           [ EF_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT, EF_ARM_EABI_VER5 ]
+  Entry:           0x0000000000008074
+  - Name:            .text
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000008074
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000004
+    Content:         2A00A0E30170A0E3000000EF
+  - Name:            .data
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000009000
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+    Content:         ''
+  - Name:            .bss
+    Type:            SHT_NOBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000009000
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+  - Name:            .note.gnu.gold-version
+    Type:            SHT_NOTE
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000004
+    Content:         040000000900000004000000474E5500676F6C6420312E3131000000
+  - Name:            .ARM.attributes
+    Type:            SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000001
+    Content:         '4113000000616561626900010900000006010801'
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFile, llvm::Succeeded());
+  ModuleSpec spec{FileSpec(ExpectedFile->name())};
+  spec.GetSymbolFileSpec().SetFile(ExpectedFile->name(),
+                                   FileSpec::Style::native);
+  auto module_sp = std::make_shared<Module>(spec);
+  auto entry_point_addr = module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetEntryPointAddress();
+  ASSERT_EQ(entry_point_addr.GetAddressClass(), AddressClass::eCode);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.cpp
@@ -2703,6 +2703,46 @@
     if (m_symtab_up == nullptr)
       m_symtab_up.reset(new Symtab(this));
+    // In the event that there's no symbol entry for the entry point we'll
+    // artifically create one. We delegate to the symtab object the figuring
+    // out of the proper size, this will usually make it span til the next
+    // symbol it finds in the section. This means that if there are missing
+    // symbols the entry point might span beyond its function definition.
+    // We're fine with this as it doesn't make it worse than not having a
+    // symbol entry at all.
+    ArchSpec arch = GetArchitecture();
+    auto entry_point_addr = GetEntryPointAddress().GetFileAddress();
+    if (entry_point_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
+      if (!m_symtab_up->FindSymbolContainingFileAddress(entry_point_addr)) {
+        uint64_t symbol_id = m_symtab_up->GetNumSymbols();
+        SectionSP section_sp =
+            GetSectionList()->FindSectionContainingFileAddress(entry_point_addr);
+        Symbol symbol(
+            symbol_id,
+            GetNextSyntheticSymbolName().GetCString(), // Symbol name.
+            false,           // Is the symbol name mangled?
+            eSymbolTypeCode, // Type of this symbol.
+            true,            // Is this globally visible?
+            false,           // Is this symbol debug info?
+            false,           // Is this symbol a trampoline?
+            true,            // Is this symbol artificial?
+            section_sp, // Section in which this symbol is defined or null.
+            0,          // Offset in section or symbol value.
+            0,          // Size.
+            false,      // Size is valid.
+            false,      // Contains linker annotations?
+            0);         // Symbol flags.
+        m_symtab_up->AddSymbol(symbol);
+        // When the entry point is arm thumb we need to explicitly set its
+        // class address to reflect that. This is important because expression
+        // evaluation relies on correctly setting a breakpoint at this address.
+        if (arch.GetMachine() == llvm::Triple::arm && (entry_point_addr & 1))
+          m_address_class_map[entry_point_addr ^ 1] = AddressClass::eCodeAlternateISA;
+        else
+          m_address_class_map[entry_point_addr] = AddressClass::eCode;
+      }
+    }
Index: lldb/lit/SymbolFile/dissassemble-entry-point.s
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/lit/SymbolFile/dissassemble-entry-point.s
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# REQUIRES: lld, arm
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=thumbv7-eabi %s -filetype=obj -o %t.o
+# RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t --section-start=.text=0x8074 -e 0x8075 -s
+# RUN: %lldb -x -b -o 'dis -s 0x8074 -e 0x8080' -- %t | FileCheck %s
+# CHECK:      {{.*}}[0x8074] <+0>: movs   r0, #0x2a
+# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}[0x8076] <+2>: movs   r7, #0x1
+# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}[0x8078] <+4>: svc    #0x0
+.global _Start
+    movs r0, #0x2a
+    movs r7, #0x1
+    svc #0x0
\ No newline at end of file
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