clayborg added a comment.

I wanted to make sure that people understand about how templates are done in 
DWARF and the implications, just for completeness:

1. DWARF represents only specializations of templates (foo<int>) and not the 
generic template definition in terms of type T (foo<T>)
2. DWARF only creates the methods that are used in each compile unit. So we 
might only have `std::vector<int>::erase()` and `std::vector<int>::back()` in 
one compile unit and `std::vector<int>::operator[](size_t)` in another
3. The template type definitions we create in the clang AST context therefore 
have no generic template methods. The definition for foo<T> has no methods. All 
methods for the specialized type (foo<int>) are treated as specializations 
specific to the <int> type. We have to do this since we item #2 above might 
only have a fraction of the real template definition's methods.
4. #3 means that we must iterate over all instances of foo<int> to find as many 
methods as possible when creating the type since each one might only have a 
fraction of all methods from the original foo<T> definition in the code.

Any fixes we check in should:

- make sure that all tests that were previously passing continue to pass if we 
do any modifications.
- work for all cases (manual indexing, accelerator tables from apple and DWARF)


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