mstorsjo added a comment.

In D70840#1792498 <>, @labath wrote:

> In D70840#1791292 <>, @mstorsjo wrote:
> > And irrespectively if the ArchSpec vs Architecture design, can you (either 
> > of you) comment on the updated form of the patch?
> The code still seems somewhat schizophrenic to me. :/ The line tables are 
> fixed up super late, but DW_AT_low_pc is adjusted very early. The line table 
> adjustment happens even after sorting, which means the fixup could alter the 
> sort order. It probably wouldn't matter in practice, as everything would just 
> get decremented by one, but it still seems like a bad design. And adjusting 
> the low_pc so early will complicate the move to the llvm dwarf parser.
> I think I'd most prefer some middle ground where the fixup happens after the 
> lowest extraction layers are finished, but before the data hits the "generic" 
> code. It's possible that no such place exists right now, but it might be 
> possible to create something with a bit of refactoring...

I tried to revisit this a bit now. Thanks to D72920 
<>, some of the more problematic cases went 
away, and I tried to trace all callers of the relevant methods and moving the 
fixups into them. Now the DWARFDebugInfoEntry class is no longer touched at 
all. I also tried to move fixups to before sorting.


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