jasonmolenda added a comment.

In D74398#1935431 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D74398#1935431>, @jasonmolenda 

> In D74398#1935043 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D74398#1935043>, @jarin wrote:
> > Regarding the packet savings - there are still things that worry me.
> >
> > First of all, when lldb CLI stops on a breakpoint, it will first unwind top 
> > of the stack of each thread as part of ThreadList::ShouldStop. This sends 
> > lots of "x" packets to lldb-server and only then issues jThreadInfo, which 
> > then replies with the stack memory uselessly (with my patch). I am yet to 
> > investigate why the CLI does that.
> I haven't looked into this, but this sound like the difference between a 
> "private stop" and a "public stop".  When you do a source-level "next" 
> command, lldb will put breakpoints on branches/function calls, run to those, 
> then instruction step those instructions, etc.  Each time it stops at these 
> breakpoints or instruction-steps.  Each of these stops are called private 
> stops - the UI layer (lldb command line driver or the SB API driver) never 
> hear about these.  When we've completed executing the instructions for that 
> source line, then we declare this to be a "public stop" - this is when lldb 
> driver or SB API driver, and the user, are notified that execution has 
> stopped.

To give a quick example with some random binary I had sitting around,

  4     int main()
  5     {

-> 6        std::vector<uint64_t> a;

  7         a.push_back (0x0000000100000000);

(lldb) tar mod dump line-table a.cc
Line table for /tmp/a.cc in `a.out
0x0000000100001220: /tmp/a.cc:5
0x000000010000122f: /tmp/a.cc:6:27
0x0000000100001245: /tmp/a.cc:7:18
0x0000000100001251: /tmp/a.cc:7:7

(lldb) dis -s 0x000000010000122f  -e 0x100001245
->  0x10000122f <+15>: movq   %rax, %rdi

  0x100001232 <+18>: movq   %rax, -0x68(%rbp)
  0x100001236 <+22>: callq  0x100001350               ; 
std::__1::vector<unsigned long long, std::__1::allocator<unsigned long long> 
>::vector at vector:497
  0x10000123b <+27>: movabsq $0x100000000, %rax        ; imm = 0x100000000 


this source-level step will take 5 stops.  first go to the CALLQ, then 
instruction-step in, then set a breakpoint on the return address and continue, 
then stepi to the first instruction of line 7.  Let's look at what llvm does 
after it's instruction-stepped into the CALLQ,

<  18> send packet: $Z0,10000123b,1#fc
 <   6> read packet: $OK#00
 <   5> send packet: $c#63
 < 624> read packet: 
 <  18> send packet: $z0,10000123b,1#1c
 <   6> read packet: $OK#00
 <  18> send packet: $vCont;s:5ada71#b5
 < 624> read packet: 
 <  16> send packet: $jThreadsInfo#c1
 < 889> read packet: 

So we set a breakpoint and continued to it to get out of the function call, 
then we cleared the breakpoint, stepi'ed to get to the first instruction of 
line 7 and now we've got a public stop and we issue a jThreadsInfo to get more 
expensive / exhaustive information about all threads, not just the thread that 
hit the breakpoint.

You can see debugserver providing enough of the stack memory in the memory: 
field in the questionmark (T05) packet so that lldb can walk the stack one 
frame and be sure of where it is.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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