jingham marked 2 inline comments as done.
jingham added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Target/TargetProperties.td:183
     Desc<"A path to a python OS plug-in module file that contains a 
OperatingSystemPlugIn class.">;
+  def PluginReportsAllThreads: Property<"plugin-reports-all-threads", 
+    Global,
labath wrote:
> jingham wrote:
> > labath wrote:
> > > If this is relevant only for os plugins, then it would be good to reflect 
> > > that in the name as well.
> > I thought about that.  In the future a regular Process plugin might decide 
> > it was too expensive to report all threads as well.  There's nothing in 
> > this patch that wouldn't "just work" with that case as well.  Leaving the 
> > OS out was meant to indicate this was about how the Process plugin OR any 
> > of its helpers (e.g. the OS Plugin) produces threads.
> Well, I am hoping that if we ever extend this support to the regular process 
> plugins, we will implement it in a way where the plugin itself can tell us 
> whether it is operating/supporting this mode (which I guess would involve a 
> new gdb-remote packet and some specification of what exactly should happen 
> when it gets sent), instead of relying on the user to set this correctly.
> I mean, in an ideal world this is I would want to happen with the python 
> plugins as well, but it seems that we are stuck with some existing plugins 
> which already do that. However, I wouldn't want to plan on the same thing 
> happening again. :)
Right, I put this in mostly to help backwards compatibility.  For instance, 
another OS Plugin I know about handles some older cooperative threading scheme. 
 That one does report all threads on each stop.  I didn't want to force them to 
do anything to keep their plugin working as well as it did before.  That's also 
why I set the default to true here.

Even when we have plugins that actually support not reporting all threads, you 
could imagine somebody having a Process plugin that supports both modes - 
particularly early in the development of its support for this feature, and in 
some corner cases the "doesn't report all threads" mode has some subtle 
problem.  Having this setting will allow people to get the slower but more 
assuredly correct behavior till it works 100% reliably.  So I still think the 
setting has some value.

But I agree, going forward there should be some kind of handshake between the 
ThreadPlanStackMap and the Process Plugin, either a "I've reported all threads 
now" which could trigger a prune, or a "Is TID X still alive" which the generic 
code could use to balance the cost of keeping outdated stacks alive against 
when we want to ask about all threads.

Comment at: 
+    def check_list_output(self, command, active_plans = [], completed_plans = 
[], discarded_plans = []):
+        # Check the "thread plan list" output against a list of active & 
completed and discarded plans.
labath wrote:
> jingham wrote:
> > labath wrote:
> > > this looks like a model example for using `self.filecheck`
> > I don't see that.  Do you mean write a file check matching file with the 
> > contents of the three arrays in this function, and then run file check on 
> > that?  Or did you mean convert the call sites into embedded patterns and 
> > then call file check on myself?  But then I'd have to also embed the 
> > headers in the body such that they came in the right order for all the 
> > tests.  Neither of these seem like attractive options to me.  It doesn't 
> > seem like it will be hard to maintain this little checker, and I don't see 
> > what I would gain by using file check instead.
> What I meant was doing doing something like:
> ```
> self.filecheck("thread plan list %d"%(current_id), __file__, 
> "--check-prefix=CHECK1")
> # CHECK1:      Active plan stack:
> # CHECK1-NEXT: Element 0: Base thread plan
> # CHECK1-NEXT: Element 1: Stepping over line main.c
> ```
> instead of `self.check_list_output(..., [], ["Stepping over line main.c"])`
> The main advantage of that I see is in the error messages it produces. If 
> anything goes wrong, the most likely error message we're going to get is "9 
> != 10, Too many elements in match arrays".  The second most likely error 
> message is "False is not True, Didn't find active plan Stepping over line 
> main.c". If the same happens while using filecheck, it would print the string 
> it is trying to match, the line it is trying to match it against, and the 
> line of a "possible intended match", which makes it much easier to figure out 
> what is going on without debugging the test. Now you could embed all of that 
> into this matcher function, but then you're sort of reinventing FileCheck.
> The second advantage is that it is easier to see what is the "expected" 
> output supposed to be when it is layout out like this, instead of embedded in 
> the logic of the matcher. That may introduce some amount of repetition for 
> specifying the common parts of the output, but that is not necessarily bad 
> (because it's more readable). If there is a huge amount of repetition, then 
> there are ways to avoid that via using multiple prefixes:
> ```
> FileCheck --check-prefixes=ALL,FIRST
> ...
> FileCheck --check-prefixes=ALL,SECOND
> # ALL: Active plan stack:
> # ALL: Element 0: Base thread plan
> # FIRST: Element 1: Stepping over line main.c
> # SECOND: Element 1: ???
> ```
> But that again makes it harder to see the expected output, so it should be 
> balanced against that.
Yeah, if you don't mind, I'm going to keep it as it is.  To do it the way you 
suggest you either would have to repeat all the header stuff over and over or 
make some compound section for the filecheck part of the test with FIRST and 
SECOND etc for the tests.   That's sort of okay for a few cases but if you have 
more that gets hard to follow and edit without making mistakes.  

The way it is now, you say explicitly what you want to see in the the 
categories at the check site, which seems really clear to me.  And the 
processing code is not terribly difficult, so I don't think maintaining it will 
be a problem.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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