labath accepted this revision.
labath added a comment.

The code looks fine. The test could be cleaned up a bit...

Comment at: lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:1834
   if (error.Fail())
     return nullptr;
JDevlieghere wrote:
> jingham wrote:
> > If you fail here you leave the process hijacked.  That doesn't matter 
> > because if "ConnectRemote" fails, you aren't going to have much to listen 
> > to anyway.  But it still looks odd.  I'm surprised we don't have some 
> > RAII-dingus for process hijacking, but anyway, it's good practice to undo 
> > this in the error branch.
> Yeah, that's exactly my reasoning. You can't use a RAII object here, because 
> the order of destruction is undefined, so you might end up calling 
> `RestoreProcessEvents` after the shared pointer has been destructed. Anyway, 
> I've added the call just for consistency. 
I'm not sure what you mean by the undefined destruction order. In c++ the 
destruction order is always the reverse of the construction order. The only 
"exception" to that that I am aware of is the destruction order for function 
call arguments. But even there the destruction order is still reverse 
construction order -- just the construction order itself is not (fully) defined.

Comment at: 
+    def qfProcessInfo(self, packet):
+        if "all_users:1" in packet:
+            self.all_users = True
+            name = hexlify("/a/test_process")
+            args = "-".join(
+                map(hexlify,
+                    ["/system/bin/sh", "-c", "/data/local/tmp/lldb-server"]))
It looks like this was copied from the "platform process list" test. I'd be 
very surprised if this is really needed. I guess the default responder should 
work just fine here...

Comment at: 
+class TestProcesConnect(GDBRemoteTestBase):
+    def test_gdb_remote_sync(self):
`s/s/ss` :P

Comment at: 
+            self.expect("gdb-remote %d" % self.server.port,
+                        matching=False,
+                        substrs=['Process', 'stopped'])
Besides the negative output check, it would be also good to test that the event 
actually gets delivered. I think something like 
`lldbutil.expect_state_changes(self, self.dbg.GetListener(), self.process(), 
[lldb.eStateStopped])` ought to do the trick.


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