jingham added a comment.

In D107386#2932037 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D107386#2932037>, @OmarEmaraDev 

> @clayborg With you suggestions it currently looks like this. The concern I 
> have is that lines are now 36 characters longer, and some important 
> information are now truncated. The breakpoint and breakpoint locations IDs 
> seems to be just the index of the objects in the tree, are they not? In this 
> case, they seem redundant to me.

The breakpoint ID & loc ID are how you would refer to the breakpoint or 
location in any console commands, and also to go from the breakpoint ID 
displayed in a stop notification back to the entry in the breakpoints list.  
Those end up being fairly common operations.

You also can't just count nodes to figure out the breakpoint ID from the tree, 
since we don't fill in holes in the numbering when you delete a breakpoint.

I don't have a strong opinion about the addresses, but I think you do need the 
breakpoint & location ID's in the UI somewhere.

> Similarly, the address takes a lot of space and is included in the next level 
> of details, so it might not be as important to include in this level either.
> F18404076: 20210806-225259.png <https://reviews.llvm.org/F18404076>
> I am having some difficulties adding the last level of details. My initial 
> approach was to add and compute a StringList containing all the details to 
> the BreakpointLocationTreeDelegate. Then I added a  StringTreeDelegate that 
> have the string from the string list in its user data which  it then simply 
> draws. The problem, I realized, is that the BreakpointLocationTreeDelegate is 
> shared between all Breakpoint Location items, so the list is overwritten by 
> different elements. What I did was instance multiple 
> BreakpointLocationTreeDelegate for each item, but that tuned more involved 
> that I thought, so I am not sure what the best approach would be now. What do 
> you think?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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