labath added a comment.

In D109695#2999221 <>, @mgorny wrote:

> In D109695#2999171 <>, @labath wrote:
>> Let's take a step back. First, I'd like to understand why are you adding a 
>> whole new register, instead of just an alias (alt_name) for an existing 
>> register.
> Well, I was thinking 'what if the register has already another alt_name?' 
> While it's unlikely that such a thing would happen with gdbserver, it's valid 
> input in the end, and adding a new register seemed a more reliable solution 
> for arbitrary input.

While we shouldn't crash on such an input, I am not particularly worried about 
everything still functioning perfectly. And adding a new register has 
user-visible consequences (two entries in `register read`).

Overall, I think I'd be fine both with overwriting the alt-name in this case 
(this is an lldb construct anyway) and with just doing nothing.

>> And second, have you considered putting this into the ABI plugin, as that's 
>> where the rest of the "augmentation" code lives (or most of it, anyway).
> I initially did, yes, and I've figured out that it doesn't belong there since 
> 1) these assignments aren't really specific to a single ABI but are general 
> architecture characteristics, and 2) the logic is really specific to the 
> gdb-remote plugin.
> I mean, putting things like generic regno assignments into ABI makes sense 
> because different ABIs could use different registers for given purpose. 
> However, things like ESP being derived from RSP or aliasing sp to x31 seem 
> ABI-independent.

That is true, and it may actually make more sense to put this into the 
Architecture plugin. However, I am not sure that this architectural purity is 
worth the hassle of having RegisterInfo knowledge in two places, especially 
since the ABI plugins are nowadays structured in a way that the all ABIs for a 
given architecture share a common base class, and this common logic could 
easily go there. (For that reason, I am also not sure we really need a separate 
Architecture hierarchy, but anyway...)


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