jarin added a comment.

In D110571#3031846 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D110571#3031846>, @clayborg wrote:

> In D110571#3031140 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D110571#3031140>, @jarin wrote:
>> For illustration:
>>   0x100  DW_TAG_subprogram
>>            DW_AT_name "inlined_function"
>>            ... no DW_AT_low_pc here ...
>>   0x110    DW_TAG_formal_parameter
>>              DW_AT_name "unused"
>>              ...
>>          ...
>>   0x200  DW_TAG_subprogram
>>            DW_AT_name    ("top_level_function_with_address"
>>            DW_AT_low_pc  (0x3000)
>>            DW_AT_high_pc  (0x3100)
>>            ...
>>   0x210    DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine
>>              DW_AT_abstract_origin (0x100 "inlined_function")
>>              DW_AT_low_pc  (0x3010)
>>              DW_AT_high_pc  (0x3020)
>>              # Note the missing DW_TAG_formal_parameter here!
>>            NULL
>>          ...
>>   0x400  DW_TAG_subprogram
>>            DW_AT_name    ("another_top_level_function_with_address"
>>            DW_AT_low_pc  (0x5000)
>>            DW_AT_high_pc  (0x5100)
>>            ...
>>   0x410    DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine
>>              DW_AT_abstract_origin (0x100 "inlined_function")
>>              DW_AT_low_pc  (0x5030)
>>              DW_AT_high_pc  (0x5040)
>>              # Note the missing DW_TAG_formal_parameter here!
>>            NULL
>>          ...
>> Here, we will create just one variable for the formal parameter "unused" 
>> (DIE offset 0x110). That variable's symbol context will be randomly one of 
>> the DW_TAG_inline subroutine blocks (either 0x210 or 0x410), and the 
>> variable will be inserted into two variable lists, one for the Block 
>> associated with the DIE at 0x210 and one for DIE associated with 0x410.
> I hear what you are saying, but I am not sure this will be happening. Let me 
> explain: for each concrete DW_TAG_subprogram (0x200 and 0x400 in your example 
> above), we create a unique lldb_private::Function object whose UserID will be 
> 0x200 for "top_level_function_with_address" and 0x400 for 
> "another_top_level_function_with_address". Each of those functions might be 
> asked for their lldb_private::Block objects at some point and we should 
> create unique lldb_private::Block for each DW_TAG_lexical_block and 
> DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine that is contained within these unique DIEs. Each of 
> these should now have a variable within the block that is a parameter whose 
> name is "unused" and whose symbol context should be 0x210 for the 0x200 DIE, 
> and 0x410 for the 0x400 DIE. So it would be great to make sure this happens 
> correctly. From looking at the code, it seems like this should be happening 
> correctly, but you might know better since you made these new modifications.

Hi Greg, thanks for the detailed description! What you say is indeed happening 
until the point "Each of these [blocks] should now have a variable within the 
block that is a parameter whose name is "unused" and whose symbol context 
should be 0x210 for the 0x200 DIE, and 0x410 for the 0x400 DIE.".

With my patch, LLDB creates only one variable here, its symbol context will be 
whichever block was parsed first and that variable will be inserted into the 
variable lists of blocks corresponding to 0x210 and 0x410. The reason why LLDB 
creates only one variable is that there is a cache of variables indexed by 
DIEs. When we call ParseVariableDIE 
 first time for the variable "unused" (DIE 0x110) and symbol context 0x210, the 
variable gets created 
 and inserted 
 under the key 0x110. When we call ParseVariableDIE second time for "unused" 
(still 0x110) and symbol context 0x410, we will find and return 
 the originally created variable (with symbol context 0x210!) and happily 
insert it into the block for 0x410.

From what you say, this is not the desired behavior? If we wanted two instances 
of the variable (one for each block), we could change the DIE-to-variable cache 
 to be indexed by a pair <symbol-context-DIE, variable-DIE>.

I have validated this with a simple example below, after adding printing of the 
variable address (var_sp.get()) at its creation point 
 and printing of variable address (var_sp.get()) and list address (this) at 
variable list addition 
 Below is the code and the session log of lldb (with this patch applied).

Code (compiled with a recent clang with `-O1 -g`):

  #include <stdio.h>
  void f(int unused) {
  void other() {
  int main() {
    return 0;

The lldb session (some fluff replaced with `...`):

  $ bin/lldb a.out
  (lldb) b f
  (lldb) r
  Created var 'unused' 0x7f6c48004f60 from DIE 0x4f   ### 0x4f is the 
formal_parameter from the abstract |f|
  Adding variable 0x7f6c48004f60 to the list 0x7f6c48004910  ### Inserting into 
the inlined block in |main|
  Adding variable 0x7f6c48004f60 to the list 0x7f6c4f0a4a70  ### Ignore, this 
is the output list for formatting
  Process ... stopped
  * thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = breakpoint 1.3
      frame #0: 0x0000000000401151 a.out`main [inlined] f(unused=<unavailable>) 
at a.cc:5:3
  (lldb) c
  Adding variable 0x7f6c48004f60 to the list 0x7f6c4804b250 ### Inserting the 
same var into the block for |other|
  Adding variable 0x7f6c48004f60 to the list 0x7f6c4f0a4a70
  Process ... stopped
  * thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = breakpoint 1.2
      frame #0: 0x0000000000401141 a.out`other() [inlined] 
f(unused=<unavailable>) at a.cc:5:3

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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