JDevlieghere added a comment.

In D112212#3081935 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D112212#3081935>, @dblaikie wrote:

> In D112212#3081828 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D112212#3081828>, @JDevlieghere 
> wrote:
>> In D112212#3080491 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D112212#3080491>, @teemperor 
>> wrote:
>>> This LGTM, but `shlex.join` is actually Py3 exclusive and I don't think 
>>> there is a good Py2 replacement. I think we're just in time for the Py2->3 
>>> migration according to the timeline Jonas posted last year 
>>> <https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/lldb-dev/2020-August/016388.html>, so 
>>> let's use this patch to actually do that? Then we can also get rid of all 
>>> the `six` stuff etc.
>>> Let's see if Jonas has any objections against dropping Py2 with this, 
>>> otherwise this is good to go.
>> We're planning to branch from open source on October 26th. If there's no 
>> urgency, it would really be great if we can hold off breaking Py2 until then.
>> I'm all in favor for getting rid of Python 2 support, but sweeping changes 
>> like dropping the `six` stuff will introduce a lot of headaches (merge 
>> conflicts) for us. If we could postpone that for another release that would 
>> save us a bunch of engineering time.
> No judgment (I think it's a reasonable request to punt a patch like this a 
> few days if it helps out major contributors) - but I'm curious/just not quite 
> wrapping my head around: Why would it be easier if this sort of patch went in 
> after you branch? I'd have thought it'd be easier if it goes in before the 
> branch. That way when you're backporting patches from upstream after the 
> branch there will be fewer unrelated changes/merge conflicts, yeah?

The patch introduces a dependency on Python 3 and unfortunately we still have a 
small (but important) group of users that haven't fully migrated yet. If the 
patch were to land before the branch, I'd have to revert it (same result) or 
find a way to do what `shlex.join` does in Python 2. I did a quick search 
yesterday and didn't immediately find a good alternative and with the timeline 
I've given in the past, I also don't think the burden should be on the patch 
author (Pavel). So that's why I suggested holding off on landing it. If it does 
turn out to cause a lot of conflicts, I can always reconsider.

But yes, backporting is a real concern, which is the main reason I'm asking not 
to start making big mechanical changes like replacing all the `six` stuff 
unless there's a pressing reason to do so.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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