JDevlieghere added a comment.

In D121444#3374854 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D121444#3374854>, @labath wrote:

>> I wish I could make this distinction in the platform, but you need a 
>> connected process to do this.
> Basically, what you're saying is that the ArchSpec alone is not sufficient to 
> select the right platform. Instead of punching right through the layers, 
> could we just give more information (which I guess would be the system 
> architecture) to the functions responsible for selecting the right plugin? 
> Then they could do the regular ask-each-plugin-if-it-wants-to-handle-it 
> dance. The host plugin would say "I don't handle processes with 
> system-arch=*-ios" and then we would go around until we find the remote-ios 
> plugin saying "I live for debugging ios systems"?
> [I must admit that I have a bit of an ulterior motive for suggesting this -- 
> I also have a use case where the ArchSpec is not sufficient to select the 
> best platform, but I've struggled to formulate it in a way that makes sense 
> upstream. The system architecture is not relevant for my case (what I'd 
> really need is to inspect the details of the executable being debugged -- 
> mainly its path, but possibly also some other bits), but if we open the door 
> to more elaborate platform selection, then I might be able to squeeze this in 
> as well.

Yup, that could totally work, it didn't seem worth like changing all that for 
just the one use case, but happy to do it if you can benefit from that as well. 
Did you have any particular design in mind? For me, passing an extra ArchSpec 
for the host arch would do the trick, but that doesn't get you much further. I 
could pass in a little context object which would hold an ArchSpec for the host 
arch and a FileSpec for your use case. Or maybe we should just pass in the 
process if we have one and get all the information from that.



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