dblaikie added a comment.

>>> If the theory is that this should keep working even with the library 
>>> changing without LLDB rebuild, then as I wrote above that theory needs 
>>> double-checking first. And additionally a good question to ask would be if 
>>> it's really a good idea to do incompatible implementation changes to a 
>>> class that has half of its functionality inline.
>> Sorry, I wasn't meaning to discuss dynamic library versioning 
>> issues/mismatches, just static/fully matched versions.
> Then I still don't know what the problem is supposed to be. If the StringMap 
> hash implementation ever changes, the necessary LLDB rebuild will detect 
> this, the relevant LLDB parts will get adjusted and problem solved.

What I mean is if the cache is used across statically linked versions - eg: 
cache is created, someone installs an update to lldb, then the cache is read 
back and misinterprets the hashes in the cache if the hash algorithm had 
changed between versions.

>> Finally, there have been already attempts to change the hash function to use 
>> the better non-zero seed (D97396 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D97396>), and 
>> they were reverted because something depended on the hash function not 
>> changing, so I don't see it that likely for the hash function to change just 
>> like that in a minor update.
> That something seems to have been another part of lldb - and that's the sort 
> of change I'd like to enable/not make harder by avoiding more dependence on 
> this ordering/hashing.
>> But if after all this that's still the theory, I guess StringMap could get 
>> an additional template parameter specifying the hash function, if it's 
>> actually worth the effort.
> Yeah, a little traits class or the like is roughly what I'd picture.




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