zequanwu marked an inline comment as done.
zequanwu added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/PdbUtil.cpp:843-846
+    std::map<uint64_t, size_t> offset_to_size;
+    // Get the size of each fields if it's udt.
+    if (!FindMembersSize::GetMemberSizesForUdt(result.type, index.tpi(), 0,
+                                               offset_to_size))
zequanwu wrote:
> rnk wrote:
> > I'm a bit worried about performance. This code runs for every `S_LOCAL` 
> > record. So, every time we encounter a `std::string` local variable, we walk 
> > over the entire string class hierarchy field list to compute this map, 
> > which we may or may not need later.
> > 
> > This code is pretty thorough, but can we reduce the scope of this patch by 
> > ignoring subfield records stored in memory, since they lack size 
> > information? I think that would make it easier to review and test. Just 
> > focus on variables in registers, and subfields in registers, since those 
> > are easiest to test and understand.
> `std::__1::basic_string<char,std::__1::char_traits<char>,std::__1::allocator<char>
>  >` (aka `std::string`) has a very shallow class hierarchy, only 1 parent 
> ,`std::__1::__basic_string_common<1>`, which is the top in class hierarchy.
> I agree that it's doing duplicate work by revisiting the parent class 
> multiple times, but keeping the extra info could consume more memory, doesn't 
> seems worth it. I think it shouldn't be much a performance problem most time.
> > but can we reduce the scope of this patch by ignoring subfield records 
> > stored in memory, since they lack size information?
> Yes, we could, but it's more tedious. 
> `llvm/include/llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CodeViewRegisters.def` has all the 
> register names, then we need to map each register name to its the 
> corresponding byte size.
I updated to only accept subfield locations that are on register. I didn't 
realize it's that complicated until I tried to add a test case for it.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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