dblaikie added a comment.

In D136011#3870677 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D136011#3870677>, @labath wrote:

> In D136011#3866854 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D136011#3866854>, @aeubanks 
> wrote:
>> In D136011#3862150 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D136011#3862150>, @labath wrote:
>> Maybe looking for a "char" entry and setting 
>> `ast.getLangOpts().CharIsSigned` from it would probably work in most cases, 
>> but not sure that it's worth the effort. Rendering the wrong signedness for 
>> chars doesn't seem like the worst thing, and this patch improves things (as 
>> the removed `expectedFailureAll` show, plus this helps with some testing of 
>> lldb I've been doing). I can add a TODO if you'd like.
> It's not just a question of rendering. This can result in wrong/unexpected 
> results of expressions as well. Something as simple as `p 
> (int)unspecified_char_value` can return a different result depending on 
> whether `unspecified_char_value` is considered signed or unsigned.
> However, I am not convinced that we would be better off trying to detect this 
> would, as that detection can fail as well, only in more unpredictable ways.
> In D136011#3868755 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D136011#3868755>, @dblaikie 
> wrote:
>> Yeah, this line of reasoning (non-homogenaeity) is one I'm on board with, 
>> thanks for the framing. Basically I/we can think of the debugger's 
>> expression context as some code that's compiled with the default char 
>> signedness always. Since char signedness isn't part of the ABI, bits of the 
>> program can be built with one and bits with the other - and the debugger is 
>> just a bit that's built with the default.
> Are you sure about the ABI part? I guess it may depend on how you define the 
> ABI.. It definitely does not affect the calling conventions, but I'm pretty 
> sure it would be an ODR violation if you even had a simple function like `int 
> to_int(char c) { return c; }` in a header, and compiled it with both -fsigned 
> and -funsigned-char. Not that this will stop people from doing it, but the 
> most likely scenario for this is that your linking your application with the 
> C library compiled in a different mode, where it is kinda ok, because the C 
> library does not have many inline functions, and doesn't do much char 
> manipulation.

"ODR violation" gets a bit fuzzy - but yeah, you'd get a different int out of 
that function. My point was since apps would already end up with a mix of 
signed and unsigned most likely, the debugger expression evaluation is one of 
those things mixed one way rather than the other.

But yeah, it's all a bit awkward (& probably will be more for googlers where 
everything's built with the non-default signedness - and now the expression 
evaluator will do the other thing/not that - but hopefully a rather small 
number of users ever notice or care about this). I guess char buffers for 
raw/binary data will be a bit more annoying to look at, dumped as signed 
integers instead of unsigned...

Anyway, yeah, it's all a bit awkward but this seems like the best thing for 
now. Thanks for weighing in!

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