bulbazord updated this revision to Diff 530084.
bulbazord added a comment.

- Converted some things to use multiline string literals
- Converted some f-strings into string literals when they didn't need 
- Applied black formatting

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/scripts/generate-project.py
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/scripts/generate-project.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Project generation script
+# =========================
+# The purpose of this script is to generate a project with an arbitrary amount
+# of source files. This is useful for testing the performance impact of a given
+# LLDB change. For example, you can use this tool to generate a project with
+# 10,000 C++ source files and see how quickly LLDB processes the resulting
+# binary and related metadata (e.g. debug info).
+import os
+import sys
+import typing
+def print_usage() -> None:
+    print("Usage: generate-project.py <number of objects> <language> <destination>")
+def generate_c_header(directory: str, index: int) -> None:
+    header_path = f"{directory}/obj{index}.h"
+    with open(header_path, "w") as f:
+        file_contents = (
+            f"#ifndef _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+            f"#define _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+            f"extern int obj{index};\n"
+            f"void call_obj{index}(void);\n"
+            f"#endif // _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+        )
+        f.write(file_contents)
+def generate_c_impl(directory: str, index: int) -> None:
+    impl_path = f"{directory}/obj{index}.c"
+    with open(impl_path, "w") as f:
+        file_contents = (
+            "#include <stdio.h>\n"
+            f'#include "obj{index}.h"\n\n'
+            f"int obj{index} = {index};\n"
+            f"void call_obj{index}(void)"
+            " {\n"
+            f'  printf("%d\\n", obj{index});\n'
+            "}\n"
+        )
+        f.write(file_contents)
+def generate_cpp_header(directory: str, index: int) -> None:
+    header_path = f"{directory}/obj{index}.h"
+    with open(header_path, "w") as f:
+        file_contents = (
+            f"#ifndef _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+            f"#define _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+            "namespace obj {\n"
+            f"class Obj{index}"
+            " {\n"
+            "public:\n"
+            "  static void Call(void);\n"
+            "}; // class\n"
+            "} // namespace\n"
+            f"#endif // _OBJ{index}_H\n"
+        )
+        f.write(file_contents)
+def generate_cpp_impl(directory: str, index: int) -> None:
+    impl_path = f"{directory}/obj{index}.cpp"
+    with open(impl_path, "w") as f:
+        file_contents = (
+            "#include <iostream>\n"
+            f'#include "obj{index}.h"\n\n'
+            "namespace obj {\n"
+            f"void Obj{index}::Call(void)"
+            " {\n"
+            f"  std::cout << {index} << std::endl;;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "} // namespace\n"
+        )
+        f.write(file_contents)
+def generate_swift_impl(directory: str, index: int) -> None:
+    impl_path = f"{directory}/obj{index}.swift"
+    with open(impl_path, "w") as f:
+        file_contents = (
+            f"public func call_obj{index}()" " {\n" f'  print("{index}")\n' "}\n"
+        )
+        f.write(file_contents)
+def generate_c_driver(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    main_path = f"{directory}/main.c"
+    with open(main_path, "w") as f:
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f'#include "obj{i}.h"\n')
+        f.write("int main() {\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"  call_obj{i}();\n")
+        f.write("  return 0;\n")
+        f.write("}\n")
+def generate_cpp_driver(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    main_path = f"{directory}/main.cpp"
+    with open(main_path, "w") as f:
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f'#include "obj{i}.h"\n')
+        f.write("using namespace obj;\n")
+        f.write("int main() {\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"  Obj{i}::Call();\n")
+        f.write("  return 0;\n")
+        f.write("}\n")
+def generate_swift_driver(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    main_path = f"{directory}/main.swift"
+    with open(main_path, "w") as f:
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"import obj{i}\n")
+        f.write("public func main() {\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"  call_obj{i}()\n")
+        f.write("}\n")
+        f.write("main()\n")
+def generate_c_makefile(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    makefile_path = f"{directory}/Makefile"
+    with open(makefile_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write("OBJDIR=objs\n\n")
+        f.write("objects = \\\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"  $(OBJDIR)/obj{i}.o \\\n")
+        f.write("  $(OBJDIR)/main.o\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        static_file_contents = """
+all: many-objects
+\tmkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c objdir
+\t$(CC) -g -c -o $@ $<
+many-objects: $(objects)
+\t$(CC) -g -o $@ $^
+\trm -rf objs/ many-objects
+        f.write(static_file_contents)
+def generate_cpp_makefile(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    makefile_path = f"{directory}/Makefile"
+    with open(makefile_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write("OBJDIR=objs\n\n")
+        f.write("objects = \\\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects):
+            f.write(f"  $(OBJDIR)/obj{i}.o \\\n")
+        f.write("  $(OBJDIR)/main.o\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        static_file_contents = """
+all: many-objects
+\tmkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp objdir
+\t$(CXX) -g -c -o $@ $<
+many-objects: $(objects)
+\t$(CXX) -g -o $@ $^
+\trm -rf objs/ many-objects
+        f.write(static_file_contents)
+def generate_swift_makefile(directory: str, number_of_objects: int) -> None:
+    makefile_path = f"{directory}/Makefile"
+    with open(makefile_path, "w") as f:
+        # Definitions
+        f.write("OBJDIR=objs\n")
+        f.write("SDK=$(shell xcrun --show-sdk-path)\n")
+        f.write("SWIFT_FE=swift -frontend\n")
+        f.write("SWIFT_FEFLAGS=-g -Onone -serialize-debugging-options \\\n")
+        f.write("  -sdk $(SDK) -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names\n")
+        f.write("SWIFTC=swiftc\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        f.write("objects = \\\n")
+        for i in range(number_of_objects - 1):
+            f.write(f"  $(OBJDIR)/obj{i}.o \\\n")
+        f.write(f"  $(OBJDIR)/obj{number_of_objects - 1}.o\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        static_file_contents = """
+all: many-objects
+\tmkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
+\trm -rf objs/ many-objects
+$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.swift objdir
+\t$(SWIFT_FE) -c -primary-file $< -I objs/ \\
+\t  $(SWIFT_FEFLAGS) -module-name $(patsubst %.swift,%,$<) \\
+\t  $(if $(filter-out main.swift,$<),-parse-as-library) \\
+\t  -emit-module-path $(patsubst %.o,%.partial.swiftmodule,$@) \\
+\t  -o $@
+\t$(SWIFT_FE) $(SWIFT_FEFLAGS) -merge-modules \\
+\t  -emit-module -emit-module-interface-path \\
+\t  $(patsubst %.o,%.swiftinterface,$@) \\
+\t  $(patsubst %.o,%.partial.swiftmodule,$@) \\
+\t  -disable-diagnostic-passes -disable-sil-perf-optzns\\
+\t  -module-name $(patsubst %.swift,%,$<) \\
+\t  -o $(patsubst %.o,%.swiftmodule,$@)
+$(OBJDIR)/main.o: main.swift $(objects)
+\t$(SWIFT_FE) -c -primary-file $< -I objs/ \\
+\t  $(SWIFT_FEFLAGS) -module-name main \\
+\t  -emit-module-path $(patsubst %.o,%.partial.swiftmodule,$@) \\
+\t  -o $@
+\t$(SWIFT_FE) $(SWIFT_FEFLAGS) -merge-modules \\
+\t  -emit-module -emit-module-interface-path \\
+\t  $(patsubst %.o,%.swiftinterface,$@) \\
+\t  $(patsubst %.o,%.partial.swiftmodule,$@) \\
+\t  -disable-diagnostic-passes -disable-sil-perf-optzns\\
+\t  -module-name $(patsubst %.swift,%,$<) \\
+\t  -o $(patsubst %.o,%.swiftmodule,$@)
+many-objects: $(OBJDIR)/main.o $(objects)
+\t$(SWIFTC) -Onone -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options \\
+\t  -sdk $(SDK) -o $@ $^
+        f.write(static_file_contents)
+def generate_sources_c(number_of_objects: int, generated_dir: str) -> None:
+    for i in range(number_of_objects):
+        generate_c_header(generated_dir, i)
+        generate_c_impl(generated_dir, i)
+    generate_c_driver(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+    generate_c_makefile(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+def generate_sources_cpp(number_of_objects: int, generated_dir: str) -> None:
+    for i in range(number_of_objects):
+        generate_cpp_header(generated_dir, i)
+        generate_cpp_impl(generated_dir, i)
+    generate_cpp_driver(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+    generate_cpp_makefile(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+def generate_sources_swift(number_of_objects: int, generated_dir: str) -> None:
+    for i in range(number_of_objects):
+        generate_swift_impl(generated_dir, i)
+    generate_swift_driver(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+    generate_swift_makefile(generated_dir, number_of_objects)
+def generate_sources(number_of_objects: int, language: str, destination: str) -> None:
+    if os.path.exists(destination):
+        print("Directory already exists, please delete or rename it")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    os.mkdir(destination)
+    generation_funcs = {
+        "c": generate_sources_c,
+        "cpp": generate_sources_cpp,
+        "swift": generate_sources_swift,
+    }
+    generation_funcs[language](number_of_objects, destination)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # TODO: If we want to add more arguments, it might be better to add a proper
+    # argparser to this tool.
+    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+        print_usage()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    try:
+        number_of_objects = int(sys.argv[1])
+    except Exception:
+        print("Error: Unable to convert argv[1] to number")
+        print_usage()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    language = sys.argv[2]
+    destination = sys.argv[3]
+    if number_of_objects < 1:
+        print("Can't generate less than 1 object(s)")
+        print_usage()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    supported_languages = ["c", "cpp", "swift"]
+    if language not in supported_languages:
+        print(f"Unrecognized language: {language}")
+        print(f"Supported languages: {supported_languages}")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    generate_sources(number_of_objects, language, destination)
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