emaste wrote:


> There are two different ways to do this:
> - [Interactive rebase](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase#_interactive_mode) 
> with fixup’s. This is the recommended method since you can control the final 
> commit message and inspect that the final commit looks as you expect. When 
> your local state is correct, remember to force-push to your branch and press 
> the merge button afterwards.
> - Use the button Squash and merge in GitHub’s web interface, if you do this 
> remember to review the commit message when prompted.

So I suspect the best way to go here is @aokblast locally squashes these 
commits into one, updates author if desired, fixes up commit messages if 
necessary, and then force-pushes to this pull request. Then @clayborg or I push 
the merge button.

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