@@ -66,3 +67,41 @@ void Progress::ReportProgress() {
+ProgressManager &ProgressManager::InstanceImpl() {
+  static std::once_flag g_once_flag;
+  static ProgressManager *g_progress_manager = nullptr;
+  std::call_once(g_once_flag, []() {
+    // NOTE: known leak to avoid global destructor chain issues.
+    g_progress_manager = new ProgressManager();
+  });
+  return *g_progress_manager;
chelcassanova wrote:

I was actually going to ask if `Instance()` was still necessary given that all 
functionality was in `InstanceImpl()` (or if `InstanceImpl()` now needed to be 
public or something along those lines). If we're going to keep the 
implementation of the instance accessor this way then to my understanding we 
can inline `Instance()`.

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