bulbazord wrote:

I think you've laid out the events that happen nicely but I came to the 
opposite conclusion. I still don't think this is the right fix. We have 
buildbots running on x86_64 and it works there too. I don't think this test 
working on AArch64 machines is related. The platform architecture getting set 
to x86_64 makes sense to me because the ELF is built as an x86_64 binary. 
However, the platform_sp getting set to `host` during the creation of the 
Target. That seems like the bug to me, especially because we explicitly set the 
platform to `remote-linux` when trying to create the target. The presented 
solution is a small bandage to work around the underlying bug. Another way to 
look at it might be: If we have to set the platform to `remote-linux` ourselves 
after creating the target, what's the point of `SBDebugger::CreateTarget` 
taking a platform name as an argument?

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