Hi to all,

quick disclaimer: if this is the wrong mailing list, please let me know and accept my apologies. But I am not sure, if this is a bug or just me taking the wrong steps to build lldb. Feel free to suggest redirection.

I wanted to build the entire llvm 3.8 suite to explore some parallel goodies (OpenMP, CUDA). I downloaded a handful of llvm projects and packages: cfe-3.8.0.src.tar.xz compiler-rt-3.8.0.src.tar.xz libcxxabi-3.8.0.src.tar.xz lld-3.8.0.src.tar.xz llvm-3.8.0.src.tar.xz polly-3.8.0.src.tar.xz clang-tools-extra-3.8.0.src.tar.xz libcxx-3.8.0.src.tar.xz libunwind-3.8.0.src.tar.xz lldb-3.8.0.src.tar.xz openmp-3.8.0.src.tar.xz test-suite-3.8.0.src.tar.xz
and put them in the right place I hope (see tree output attached).

I then went:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/foo/bar /path/to/llvm/source
$ make -jXX
#all goes well until here
$ make -jXX install
- Up-to-date: /home/steinbac/software/llvm/3.8/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h -- Up-to-date: /home/steinbac/software/llvm/3.8/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h
CMake Error at tools/lldb/scripts/cmake_install.cmake:36 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot find
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  tools/lldb/cmake_install.cmake:42 (include)
  tools/cmake_install.cmake:43 (include)
  cmake_install.cmake:61 (include)

make: *** [install] Error 1

What am I missing?


PS. My system details:
$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:cxx-4.1-amd64:cxx-4.1-noarch:desktop-4.1-amd64:desktop-4.1-noarch:languages-4.1-amd64:languages-4.1-noarch:printing-4.1-amd64:printing-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description:    CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
Release:        7.1.1503
Codename:       Core
$ uname -a
Linux islay.mpi-cbg.de 3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 3 19:10:07 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
|-- autoconf
|   `-- m4
|-- bindings
|   |-- go
|   |   `-- llvm
|   |-- ocaml
|   |   |-- all_backends
|   |   |-- analysis
|   |   |-- backends
|   |   |-- bitreader
|   |   |-- bitwriter
|   |   |-- executionengine
|   |   |-- irreader
|   |   |-- linker
|   |   |-- llvm
|   |   |-- target
|   |   `-- transforms
|   `-- python
|       `-- llvm
|-- cmake
|   |-- modules
|   `-- platforms
|-- docs
|   |-- CommandGuide
|   |-- Frontend
|   |-- HistoricalNotes
|   |-- _ocamldoc
|   |-- _static
|   |-- TableGen
|   |-- _templates
|   |-- _themes
|   |   `-- llvm-theme
|   `-- tutorial
|-- examples
|   |-- BrainF
|   |-- ExceptionDemo
|   |-- Fibonacci
|   |-- HowToUseJIT
|   |-- Kaleidoscope
|   |   |-- Chapter2
|   |   |-- Chapter3
|   |   |-- Chapter4
|   |   |-- Chapter5
|   |   |-- Chapter6
|   |   |-- Chapter7
|   |   |-- Chapter8
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- MCJIT
|   |   `-- Orc
|   |-- ModuleMaker
|   |-- OCaml-Kaleidoscope
|   |   |-- Chapter2
|   |   |-- Chapter3
|   |   |-- Chapter4
|   |   |-- Chapter5
|   |   |-- Chapter6
|   |   `-- Chapter7
|   `-- ParallelJIT
|-- include
|   |-- llvm
|   |   |-- ADT
|   |   |-- Analysis
|   |   |-- AsmParser
|   |   |-- Bitcode
|   |   |-- CodeGen
|   |   |-- Config
|   |   |-- DebugInfo
|   |   |-- ExecutionEngine
|   |   |-- IR
|   |   |-- IRReader
|   |   |-- LibDriver
|   |   |-- LineEditor
|   |   |-- Linker
|   |   |-- LTO
|   |   |-- MC
|   |   |-- Object
|   |   |-- Option
|   |   |-- Passes
|   |   |-- ProfileData
|   |   |-- Support
|   |   |-- TableGen
|   |   |-- Target
|   |   `-- Transforms
|   `-- llvm-c
|       `-- Transforms
|-- lib
|   |-- Analysis
|   |-- AsmParser
|   |-- Bitcode
|   |   |-- Reader
|   |   `-- Writer
|   |-- CodeGen
|   |   |-- AsmPrinter
|   |   |-- MIRParser
|   |   `-- SelectionDAG
|   |-- DebugInfo
|   |   |-- CodeView
|   |   |-- DWARF
|   |   |-- PDB
|   |   `-- Symbolize
|   |-- ExecutionEngine
|   |   |-- IntelJITEvents
|   |   |-- Interpreter
|   |   |-- JIT
|   |   |-- MCJIT
|   |   |-- OProfileJIT
|   |   |-- Orc
|   |   `-- RuntimeDyld
|   |-- Fuzzer
|   |   `-- test
|   |-- IR
|   |-- IRReader
|   |-- LibDriver
|   |-- LineEditor
|   |-- Linker
|   |-- LTO
|   |-- MC
|   |   |-- MCAnalysis
|   |   |-- MCDisassembler
|   |   `-- MCParser
|   |-- Object
|   |-- Option
|   |-- Passes
|   |-- ProfileData
|   |-- Support
|   |   |-- Unix
|   |   `-- Windows
|   |-- TableGen
|   |-- Target
|   |   |-- AArch64
|   |   |-- AMDGPU
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- AVR
|   |   |-- BPF
|   |   |-- CppBackend
|   |   |-- Hexagon
|   |   |-- Mips
|   |   |-- MSP430
|   |   |-- NVPTX
|   |   |-- PowerPC
|   |   |-- Sparc
|   |   |-- SystemZ
|   |   |-- WebAssembly
|   |   |-- X86
|   |   `-- XCore
|   `-- Transforms
|       |-- Hello
|       |-- InstCombine
|       |-- Instrumentation
|       |-- IPO
|       |-- ObjCARC
|       |-- Scalar
|       |-- Utils
|       `-- Vectorize
|-- projects
|   |-- compiler-rt
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- make
|   |   |-- SDKs
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- unittests
|   |   `-- www
|   |-- libcxx
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- src
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- utils
|   |   `-- www
|   |-- libcxxabi
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- src
|   |   |-- test
|   |   `-- www
|   |-- libunwind
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- src
|   |   `-- test
|   |-- openmp
|   |   |-- offload
|   |   |-- runtime
|   |   |-- testsuite
|   |   `-- www
|   `-- polly
|       |-- autoconf
|       |-- cmake
|       |-- docs
|       |-- include
|       |-- lib
|       |-- test
|       |-- tools
|       |-- utils
|       `-- www
|-- resources
|-- test
|   |-- Analysis
|   |   |-- AssumptionCache
|   |   |-- BasicAA
|   |   |-- BlockFrequencyInfo
|   |   |-- BranchProbabilityInfo
|   |   |-- CallGraph
|   |   |-- CFLAliasAnalysis
|   |   |-- CostModel
|   |   |-- Delinearization
|   |   |-- DemandedBits
|   |   |-- DependenceAnalysis
|   |   |-- DivergenceAnalysis
|   |   |-- Dominators
|   |   |-- GlobalsModRef
|   |   |-- LazyCallGraph
|   |   |-- Lint
|   |   |-- LoopAccessAnalysis
|   |   |-- LoopInfo
|   |   |-- MemoryDependenceAnalysis
|   |   |-- PostDominators
|   |   |-- RegionInfo
|   |   |-- ScalarEvolution
|   |   |-- ScopedNoAliasAA
|   |   |-- TypeBasedAliasAnalysis
|   |   `-- ValueTracking
|   |-- Assembler
|   |-- Bindings
|   |   |-- Go
|   |   |-- llvm-c
|   |   `-- OCaml
|   |-- Bitcode
|   |   `-- Inputs
|   |-- BugPoint
|   |-- CodeGen
|   |   |-- AArch64
|   |   |-- AMDGPU
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- BPF
|   |   |-- CPP
|   |   |-- Generic
|   |   |-- Hexagon
|   |   |-- Inputs
|   |   |-- Mips
|   |   |-- MIR
|   |   |-- MSP430
|   |   |-- NVPTX
|   |   |-- PowerPC
|   |   |-- SPARC
|   |   |-- SystemZ
|   |   |-- Thumb
|   |   |-- Thumb2
|   |   |-- WebAssembly
|   |   |-- WinEH
|   |   |-- X86
|   |   `-- XCore
|   |-- DebugInfo
|   |   |-- AArch64
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- COFF
|   |   |-- Generic
|   |   |-- Inputs
|   |   |-- Mips
|   |   |-- MIR
|   |   |-- PDB
|   |   |-- PowerPC
|   |   |-- Sparc
|   |   |-- SystemZ
|   |   `-- X86
|   |-- Examples
|   |   `-- Kaleidoscope
|   |-- ExecutionEngine
|   |   |-- Interpreter
|   |   |-- MCJIT
|   |   |-- OrcLazy
|   |   |-- OrcMCJIT
|   |   `-- RuntimeDyld
|   |-- Feature
|   |   `-- OperandBundles
|   |-- FileCheck
|   |-- Instrumentation
|   |   |-- AddressSanitizer
|   |   |-- BoundsChecking
|   |   |-- DataFlowSanitizer
|   |   |-- InstrProfiling
|   |   |-- MemorySanitizer
|   |   |-- SanitizerCoverage
|   |   `-- ThreadSanitizer
|   |-- Integer
|   |-- JitListener
|   |-- LibDriver
|   |   `-- Inputs
|   |-- Linker
|   |   `-- Inputs
|   |-- LTO
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- Inputs
|   |   `-- X86
|   |-- MC
|   |   |-- AArch64
|   |   |-- AMDGPU
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- AsmParser
|   |   |-- COFF
|   |   |-- Disassembler
|   |   |-- ELF
|   |   |-- Hexagon
|   |   |-- MachO
|   |   |-- Markup
|   |   |-- Mips
|   |   |-- PowerPC
|   |   |-- Sparc
|   |   |-- SystemZ
|   |   `-- X86
|   |-- Object
|   |   |-- AArch64
|   |   |-- AMDGPU
|   |   |-- ARM
|   |   |-- Inputs
|   |   |-- Mips
|   |   `-- X86
|   |-- Other
|   |   |-- Inputs
|   |   `-- X86
|   |-- SymbolRewriter
|   |-- TableGen
|   |-- tools
|   |   |-- dsymutil
|   |   |-- gold
|   |   |-- llvm-cov
|   |   |-- llvm-cxxdump
|   |   |-- llvm-dwarfdump
|   |   |-- llvm-dwp
|   |   |-- llvm-lit
|   |   |-- llvm-lto
|   |   |-- llvm-mc
|   |   |-- llvm-nm
|   |   |-- llvm-objdump
|   |   |-- llvm-pdbdump
|   |   |-- llvm-profdata
|   |   |-- llvm-readobj
|   |   |-- llvm-size
|   |   |-- llvm-split
|   |   |-- llvm-symbolizer
|   |   |-- llvm-vtabledump
|   |   |-- lto
|   |   `-- sancov
|   |-- Transforms
|   |   |-- ADCE
|   |   |-- AddDiscriminators
|   |   |-- AlignmentFromAssumptions
|   |   |-- ArgumentPromotion
|   |   |-- AtomicExpand
|   |   |-- AtomicExpandLoadLinked
|   |   |-- BBVectorize
|   |   |-- BDCE
|   |   |-- BranchFolding
|   |   |-- CodeExtractor
|   |   |-- CodeGenPrepare
|   |   |-- ConstantHoisting
|   |   |-- ConstantMerge
|   |   |-- ConstProp
|   |   |-- CorrelatedValuePropagation
|   |   |-- CrossDSOCFI
|   |   |-- DeadArgElim
|   |   |-- DeadStoreElimination
|   |   |-- EarlyCSE
|   |   |-- EliminateAvailableExternally
|   |   |-- Float2Int
|   |   |-- ForcedFunctionAttrs
|   |   |-- FunctionAttrs
|   |   |-- FunctionImport
|   |   |-- GCOVProfiling
|   |   |-- GlobalDCE
|   |   |-- GlobalOpt
|   |   |-- GVN
|   |   |-- IndVarSimplify
|   |   |-- InferFunctionAttrs
|   |   |-- Inline
|   |   |-- InstCombine
|   |   |-- InstMerge
|   |   |-- InstSimplify
|   |   |-- Internalize
|   |   |-- IPConstantProp
|   |   |-- IRCE
|   |   |-- JumpThreading
|   |   |-- LCSSA
|   |   |-- LICM
|   |   |-- LoadCombine
|   |   |-- LoopDeletion
|   |   |-- LoopDistribute
|   |   |-- LoopIdiom
|   |   |-- LoopInterchange
|   |   |-- LoopLoadElim
|   |   |-- LoopReroll
|   |   |-- LoopRotate
|   |   |-- LoopSimplify
|   |   |-- LoopStrengthReduce
|   |   |-- LoopUnroll
|   |   |-- LoopUnswitch
|   |   |-- LoopVectorize
|   |   |-- LowerAtomic
|   |   |-- LowerBitSets
|   |   |-- LowerExpectIntrinsic
|   |   |-- LowerInvoke
|   |   |-- LowerSwitch
|   |   |-- Mem2Reg
|   |   |-- MemCpyOpt
|   |   |-- MergeFunc
|   |   |-- MetaRenamer
|   |   |-- NaryReassociate
|   |   |-- ObjCARC
|   |   |-- PartiallyInlineLibCalls
|   |   |-- PGOProfile
|   |   |-- PhaseOrdering
|   |   |-- PlaceSafepoints
|   |   |-- PruneEH
|   |   |-- Reassociate
|   |   |-- Reg2Mem
|   |   |-- RewriteStatepointsForGC
|   |   |-- SafeStack
|   |   |-- SampleProfile
|   |   |-- Scalarizer
|   |   |-- ScalarRepl
|   |   |-- SCCP
|   |   |-- SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP
|   |   |-- SimplifyCFG
|   |   |-- Sink
|   |   |-- SLPVectorizer
|   |   |-- SpeculativeExecution
|   |   |-- SROA
|   |   |-- StraightLineStrengthReduce
|   |   |-- StripDeadPrototypes
|   |   |-- StripSymbols
|   |   |-- StructurizeCFG
|   |   |-- TailCallElim
|   |   |-- TailDup
|   |   `-- Util
|   |-- Unit
|   |-- Verifier
|   `-- YAMLParser
|-- tools
|   |-- bugpoint
|   |-- bugpoint-passes
|   |-- clang
|   |   |-- bindings
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |-- examples
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- INPUTS
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- runtime
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- tools
|   |   |-- unittests
|   |   |-- utils
|   |   `-- www
|   |-- dsymutil
|   |-- gold
|   |-- llc
|   |-- lld
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- COFF
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |-- ELF
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- tools
|   |   |-- unittests
|   |   `-- utils
|   |-- lldb
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |-- examples
|   |   |-- gtest
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- lit
|   |   |-- lldb.xcodeproj
|   |   |-- lldb.xcworkspace
|   |   |-- packages
|   |   |-- resources
|   |   |-- scripts
|   |   |-- source
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- third_party
|   |   |-- tools
|   |   |-- unittests
|   |   |-- utils
|   |   |-- watchpoint
|   |   `-- www
|   |-- lli
|   |   `-- ChildTarget
|   |-- llvm-ar
|   |-- llvm-as
|   |-- llvm-as-fuzzer
|   |-- llvm-as-parasitic-coverage-repro
|   |-- llvm-bcanalyzer
|   |-- llvm-config
|   |-- llvm-cov
|   |-- llvm-c-test
|   |-- llvm-cxxdump
|   |-- llvm-diff
|   |-- llvm-dis
|   |-- llvm-dwarfdump
|   |   `-- fuzzer
|   |-- llvm-dwp
|   |-- llvm-extract
|   |-- llvm-go
|   |-- llvm-jitlistener
|   |-- llvm-link
|   |-- llvm-lto
|   |-- llvm-mc
|   |-- llvm-mc-fuzzer
|   |-- llvm-mcmarkup
|   |-- llvm-nm
|   |-- llvm-objdump
|   |-- llvm-pdbdump
|   |-- llvm-profdata
|   |-- llvm-readobj
|   |-- llvm-rtdyld
|   |-- llvm-shlib
|   |-- llvm-size
|   |-- llvm-split
|   |-- llvm-stress
|   |-- llvm-symbolizer
|   |-- llvm-vtabledump
|   |-- lto
|   |-- msbuild
|   |-- obj2yaml
|   |-- opt
|   |-- sancov
|   |-- verify-uselistorder
|   |-- xcode-toolchain
|   `-- yaml2obj
|-- unittests
|   |-- ADT
|   |-- Analysis
|   |-- AsmParser
|   |-- Bitcode
|   |-- CodeGen
|   |-- DebugInfo
|   |   |-- DWARF
|   |   `-- PDB
|   |-- ExecutionEngine
|   |   |-- JIT
|   |   |-- MCJIT
|   |   `-- Orc
|   |-- IR
|   |-- LineEditor
|   |-- Linker
|   |-- MC
|   |-- Option
|   |-- ProfileData
|   |-- Support
|   `-- Transforms
|       |-- IPO
|       `-- Utils
`-- utils
    |-- bugpoint
    |-- buildit
    |-- count
    |-- crosstool
    |   `-- ARM
    |-- emacs
    |-- FileCheck
    |-- fpcmp
    |-- git
    |-- git-svn
    |-- jedit
    |-- kate
    |-- KillTheDoctor
    |-- lint
    |-- lit
    |   |-- examples
    |   |-- lit
    |   |-- tests
    |   `-- utils
    |-- llvm-build
    |   `-- llvmbuild
    |-- llvm-lit
    |-- Misc
    |-- not
    |-- PerfectShuffle
    |-- release
    |-- TableGen
    |-- Target
    |   `-- ARM
    |-- testgen
    |-- textmate
    |   `-- TableGen.tmbundle
    |-- unittest
    |   |-- googletest
    |   `-- UnitTestMain
    |-- valgrind
    |-- vim
    |   |-- ftdetect
    |   |-- ftplugin
    |   |-- indent
    |   `-- syntax
    `-- yaml-bench

604 directories
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