On many platforms (OS X for sure) there’s no guarantee that when you stop you 
will only have hit one breakpoint on one thread.  On OS X in multithreaded 
programs, it is not at all uncommon to have many threads hit breakpoint(s) by 
the the time the stop gets reported.  So you just have to iterate over all the 
threads and see what their stop reasons are.  Note that it isn’t just 
breakpoints, you might have been stepping on thread A, and when you stop, 
thread A will have stopped with “plan complete” for the step operation, and 
thread B for some other breakpoint.

So when you get a stop event you have to iterate over the threads and see why 
they have stopped.

LLDB will set one of the threads as the selected thread, using some heuristics 
(if you were stepping on thread A & threads A & B stopped with breakpoints, 
thread A will be the selected thread, etc…)  So you could just show the 
selected thread, but really you want to figure out what all the threads are 


> On Mar 18, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Jeffrey Tan <jeffrey.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, interesting, I got the stop reason from the 
> lldb.SBProcess.GetProcessFromEvent(event).GetSelectedThread().GetStopReason().
>  Is that thread not the one that stopped? But you are right, the breakpoint 
> hits in another thread:
> thread #87: tid = 1006769, 0x000000000042eacd 
> biggrep_master_server_async`facebook::biggrep::BigGrepMasterAsync::future_find(this=0x00007f3ea2d74fd0,
>  corpus=error: summary string parsing error, needle=error: summary string 
> parsing error, options=0x00007f3e899fc7e0) + 51 at 
> BigGrepMasterAsync.cpp:171, name = 'BigGrep-pri3-32', stop reason = 
> breakpoint 1.1
> How do I know which thread hits the breakpoint?
> Jeffrey
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Jim Ingham <jing...@apple.com 
> <mailto:jing...@apple.com>> wrote:
> You only show one thread in your example.  Did another thread have a valid 
> stop reason?  lldb shouldn’t be stopping for no reason anywhere…
> Jim
>> On Mar 18, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Jeffrey Tan via lldb-dev 
>> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org <mailto:lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>> Btw: the breakpoint I set is:
>> "b BigGrepMasterAsync.cpp:171" which is not in any of the stopped stack 
>> frames.
>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jeffrey Tan <jeffrey.fu...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jeffrey.fu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Our IDE(wrapping lldb using python) works fine on Linux for simple hello 
>> world cases. While trying a real world case, I found whenever we set a 
>> source line breakpoint, then trigger the code path, lldb will send a stopped 
>> state process event, with thread.GetStopReason() being None and with weird 
>> callstack. Any ideas why do I get this stop stack(code is listed at the 
>> end)? I have verified that if I do not set breakpoint and trigger the same 
>> code path does not cause this stop event to generate.
>> bt
>> * thread #1: tid = 952490, 0x00007fd7cb2daa83 libc.so.6`__GI_epoll_wait + 
>> 51, name = 'biggrep_master_'
>>   * frame #0: 0x00007fd7cb2daa83 libc.so.6`__GI_epoll_wait + 51
>>     frame #1: 0x000000000271189f 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`epoll_dispatch(base=0x00007fd7ca970800, 
>> arg=0x00007fd7ca62c1e0, tv=<unavailable>) + 127 at epoll.c:315
>>     frame #2: 0x000000000270f6d1 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`event_base_loop(base=0x00007fd7ca970800, 
>> flags=<unavailable>) + 225 at event.c:524
>>     frame #3: 0x00000000025f9378 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`folly::EventBase::loopBody(this=0x00007fd7ca945180,
>>  flags=0) + 834 at EventBase.cpp:335
>>     frame #4: 0x00000000025f900b 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`folly::EventBase::loop(this=0x00007fd7ca945180) 
>> + 29 at EventBase.cpp:287
>>     frame #5: 0x00000000025fa053 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`folly::EventBase::loopForever(this=0x00007fd7ca945180)
>>  + 109 at EventBase.cpp:435
>>     frame #6: 0x0000000001e24b72 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`apache::thrift::ThriftServer::serve(this=0x00007fd7ca96d710)
>>  + 110 at ThriftServer.cpp:365
>>     frame #7: 0x00000000004906bc 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`facebook::services::ServiceFramework::startFramework(this=0x00007ffc06776140,
>>  waitUntilStop=true) + 1942 at ServiceFramework.cpp:885
>>     frame #8: 0x000000000048fe6d 
>> biggrep_master_server_async`facebook::services::ServiceFramework::go(this=0x00007ffc06776140,
>>  waitUntilStop=true) + 35 at ServiceFramework.cpp:775
>>     frame #9: 0x00000000004219a7 biggrep_master_server_async`main(argc=1, 
>> argv=0x00007ffc067769d8) + 2306 at BigGrepMasterServerAsync.cpp:134
>>     frame #10: 0x00007fd7cb1ed0f6 libc.so.6`__libc_start_main + 246
>>     frame #11: 0x0000000000420bfc biggrep_master_server_async`_start + 41 at 
>> start.S:122
>> Here is the code snippet of handling code:
>> def _handle_process_event(self, event):
>>         # Ignore non-stopping events.
>>         if lldb.SBProcess.GetRestartedFromEvent(event):
>>             log_debug('Non stopping event: %s' % str(event))
>>             return
>>         process = lldb.SBProcess.GetProcessFromEvent(event)
>>         if process.state == lldb.eStateStopped:
>>             self._send_paused_notification(process)
>>         elif process.state == lldb.eStateExited:
>>             exit_message = 'Process(%d) exited with: %u' % (
>>                     process.GetProcessID(),
>>                     process.GetExitStatus())
>>             if process.GetExitDescription():
>>                 exit_message += (', ' + process.GetExitDescription())
>>             self._send_user_output('log', exit_message)
>>             self.should_quit = True
>>         else:
>>             self._send_notification('Debugger.resumed', None)
>>         event_type = event.GetType()
>>         if event_type == lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitSTDOUT:
>>             # Read stdout from inferior.
>>             process_output = ''
>>             while True:
>>                 output_part = process.GetSTDOUT(1024)
>>                 if not output_part or len(output_part) == 0:
>>                     break
>>                 process_output += output_part
>>             self._send_user_output('log', process_output)
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