I think we should reuse packets from the gdb protocol whereever it
makes sense. So, if they fit your needs (and a quick glance seems to
confirm that), then I think you should use them.

On 11 April 2016 at 15:28, Ravitheja Addepally <ravithejaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>        Regarding the packet definitions for tracing, how about reusing the
> existing btrace packets ?
> https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/General-Query-Packets.html#qXfer%20btrace%20read
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Greg Clayton <gclay...@apple.com> wrote:
>> We also need to think about all other types of tracing. It might make more
>> sense to keep these calls on SBProcess and have the calls simply be:
>> lldb::SBTrace lldb::SBProcess::StartTrace(SBTraceOptions &trace_options,
>> lldb::SBError &error);
>> And you would need to specify which threads in the SBTraceOptions object
>> itself?:
>> SBTraceOptions trace_options;
>> And then do some like:
>> trace_options.SetTraceAllThreads();
>> And maybe tracing all threads is the default. Or one can limit this to one
>> thread:
>> trace_options.SetThreadID (tid);
>> Then you start tracing using the "trace_options" which has the notion of
>> which threads to trace.
>> lldb::SBError error;
>> lldb::SBTrace trace = process.StartTrace(trace_options, error);
>> It really depends on how all different forms of trace are enabled for
>> different kinds of tracing. It takes kernel support to trace only specific
>> threads, but someone might be debugging a bare board that only has the
>> option tracing all threads on each core. When making an API we can't assume
>> we can limit this to any threads and even to any process.
>> Greg
>> > On Apr 1, 2016, at 2:00 AM, Pavel Labath <lab...@google.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I second Greg's suggestions, and I have some thoughts of my own:
>> >
>> > - with the proposed API, it is not possible to get a trace for newly
>> > created threads - the process needs to be stopped first, so you can
>> > enable trace collection. There certainly are cases where this could be
>> > problematic, e.g. if you get a crash early during thread creation and
>> > you want to figure out how you got there. For this to work, we might
>> > need an API like
>> > SBProcess::TraceNewThreads(...)
>> > or
>> > SBProcess::TraceAllThreads(...)
>> > with the assumption that "all" also includes newly created threads in
>> > the future.
>> >
>> > I'm not saying this needs to be done in the first implementation, but
>> > I think that we should at least design the API in a way that will not
>> > make adding this unnecessarily hard in the future (e.g. the idea of
>> > returning an SBTrace object might be problematic, since you don't know
>> > if/how many threads will be created).
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Also, thinking about new APIs, should we have a way to mark an API as
>> > incubating/experimental? Maybe it would be good to mark these new APIs
>> > as experimental for a while, so we have an option of changing them in
>> > the future, if it turns out we have made the wrong decision. I was
>> > thinking of either a naming convention
>> > (SBThread::StartTraceExperimental) or some annotation/comment on the
>> > methods. When we are confident this design is good, we can remove the
>> > promote the api into the "stable" set.
>> >
>> > pl
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 31 March 2016 at 18:59, Greg Clayton via lldb-dev
>> > <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> On Mar 31, 2016, at 5:10 AM, Ravitheja Addepally via lldb-dev
>> >>> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hello all,
>> >>>              I am currently working on enabling Intel (R) Processor
>> >>> Trace collection for lldb. I have done some previous discussions in this
>> >>> mailing list on this topic but just to summarize , the path we chose was 
>> >>> to
>> >>> implement raw trace collection in lldb and the trace will be decoded 
>> >>> outside
>> >>> LLDB. I wanted to expose this feature through the SB API's  and for trace
>> >>> data transfer I wish to develop new communication packets. Now I want to 
>> >>> get
>> >>> the new API's and packet specifications reviewed by the dev list. Please
>> >>> find the specification below ->
>> >>>
>> >>> lldb::SBError SBProcess::StartTrace(lldb::tid_t threadId, const
>> >>> SBTraceConfig &config)
>> >>>    Start tracing for thread - threadId with trace configuration
>> >>> config.
>> >>>    SBTraceConfig would contain the following fields-
>> >>>            -> TraceType - ProcessorTrace, SoftwareTrace , any trace
>> >>> technology etc
>> >>>            -> size of trace buffer
>> >>>            -> size of meta data buffer
>> >>>    Returns error in case starting trace was unsuccessful, which could
>> >>> occur by reasons such as
>> >>>    picking non existent thread, target does not support TraceType
>> >>> selected etc.
>> >>
>> >> If you are going to trace on a thread, we should be putting this API on
>> >> SBThread. Also we have other config type classes in our public API and we
>> >> have suffixed them with Options so SBTraceConfig should actually be
>> >> SBTraceOptions. Also don't bother using "const" on any public APIs since 
>> >> the
>> >> mean nothing and only cause issues. Why? All public classes usually 
>> >> contain
>> >> a std::unique_ptr or a std::shared_ptr to a private class that exists only
>> >> within LLDB itself. The "const" is just saying don't change my shared
>> >> pointer, which doesn't actually do anything.
>> >>
>> >> lldb::SBError SBThread::StartTrace(SBTraceOptions &trace_options);
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> lldb::SBError SBProcess::StopTrace(lldb::tid_t threadId)
>> >>>    Stop tracing for thread - threadId. Tracing should be enabled
>> >>> already for thread, else error is returned.
>> >>
>> >> This should be:
>> >>
>> >> lldb::SBError SBThread::StopTrace();
>> >>
>> >> One question: can there only be one kind of trace going on at the same
>> >> time? If we ever desire to support more than one at a time, we might need
>> >> the above two calls to be:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> lldb::user_id_t SBThread::StartTrace(SBTraceOptions &trace_options,
>> >> lldb::SBError &error);
>> >> lldb::SBError SBThread::StopTrace(lldb::user_id_t trace_id);
>> >>
>> >> The StartTrace could return a unique trace token that would need to be
>> >> supplied back to any other trace calls like the ones below.
>> >>
>> >>> size_t SBProcess::DumpTraceData(lldb::tid_t threadId, void *buf,
>> >>> size_t size, SBError &sberror)
>> >>>    Dump the raw trace data for threadId in buffer described by pointer
>> >>> buf and size. Tracing should be enabled already for thread else error
>> >>>    is sent in sberror. The actual size of filled buffer is returned by
>> >>> API.
>> >>>
>> >>> size_t SBProcess::DumpTraceMetaData(lldb::tid_t threadId, void *buf,
>> >>> size_t size, SBError &sberror)
>> >>>    Dump the raw trace meta data for threadId in buffer described by
>> >>> pointer buf and size. Tracing should be enabled already for thread
>> >>>    else error is sent in sberror. The actual size of filled buffer is
>> >>> returned by API.
>> >>
>> >> These would be on lldb::SBThread and remove the lldb::tid_t parameter,
>> >> possibly adding "lldb::user_id_t trace_id" as the first parameter.
>> >>
>> >> The other way to do this is to create a lldb::SBTrace object. Then the
>> >> APIs become:
>> >>
>> >> lldb::SBTrace SBThread::StartTrace(SBTraceOptions &trace_options,
>> >> lldb::SBError &error);
>> >>
>> >> lldb::SBError SBTrace::StopTrace();
>> >> size_t SBTrace::GetData(void *buf, size_t size, SBError &sberror);
>> >> size_t SBTrace::GetMetaData(void *buf, size_t size, SBError &sberror);
>> >> lldb::SBThread SBTrace::GetThread();
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>> LLDB Trace Packet Specification
>> >>>
>> >>> QTrace:1:<threadid>,<type>,<buffersize>,<metabuffersize>
>> >>>    Packet for starting tracing, where -
>> >>>        -> threadid - stands for thread to trace
>> >>>        -> type -   Type of tracing to use, it will be like type of
>> >>> trace mechanism to use.
>> >>>                    For e.g ProcessorTrace, SoftwareTrace , any trace
>> >>> technology etc and if
>> >>>                    that trace is not supported by target error will be
>> >>> returned. In Future
>> >>>                    we can also add more parameters in the packet
>> >>> specification, which can be type specific
>> >>>                    and the server can parse them based on what type it
>> >>> read in the beginning.
>> >>>        -> buffersize - Size for trace buffer
>> >>>        -> metabuffersize - Size of Meta Data
>> >>
>> >> If we design this, we should have the arguments be in key/value format:
>> >>
>> >>> QTrace:1:<key>:<value>;<key>:<value>;<key>:<value>;
>> >>
>> >> Then this packet currently could be sent as:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> QTrace:1:threadid:<threadid>;type:<type>;buffersize=<buffersize>;metabuffersize=<metabuffersize>;
>> >>
>> >> This way if we ever need to add new key value pairs, we don't need to
>> >> make a new QTrace2 packet if the args ever change.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> QTrace:0:<threadid>
>> >>>    Stop tracing thread with threadid,{Trace needs to be started
>> >>> of-course else error}
>> >>
>> >> again, this should be key/value pair encoded
>> >>
>> >> QTrace:0:threadid:<threadid>;
>> >>>
>> >>> qXfer:trace:buffer:read:annex:<threadid>,<byte_count>
>> >>>    Packet for reading the trace buffer
>> >>>        -> threadid - thread ID, of-course if tracing is not
>> >>>                        started for this thread error will be returned.
>> >>>        -> byte_count - number of bytes to read, in case trace captured
>> >>> is
>> >>>                        less than byte_count, then only that much trace
>> >>> will
>> >>>                        be returned in response packet.
>> >>>
>> >>> qXfer:trace:meta:read:annex:<threadid>,<byte_count>
>> >>>    Similar Packet as above except it reads meta data
>> >>
>> >> Hopefully we can key/value pair encode the args text that is
>> >> "<threadid>,<byte_count>".
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
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