> On 2016-Jun-28, at 13:17, Richard Smith via lldb-dev 
> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>> I think I agree with Chris with 3.10 being the worst possible outcome.
>> I'd be interested to understand why you or Chris thing 3.10 is the worst 
>> possible outcome.
> Personally: I think it would be a bad outcome, because if we go to 3.10, I do 
> not see when we would ever transition to 4.0. What change would be "large 
> enough" to classify as a new major version of all of LLVM? Given that we are 
> (presumably) going to have a "sliding window" support story for LLVM IR 
> changes, and even LLVM IR changes are irrelevant to a significant number of 
> LLVM subprojects (all of which share the same versioning scheme), it's not 
> clear to me what would justify this.
>> Chris has said it is because he thinks we'll never change the "3", but I 
>> don't understand why 3.10 is worse than 3.9 was in that respect. I happen to 
>> agree that we'll never change the "3", but I don't think this makes 3.10 a 
>> particularly bad choice.
> We've historically gone from x.9 to x+1.0, so this sets precedent, and we 
> seem to have the energy and motivation to discuss and possibly change our 
> version numbering scheme right now. For me, it's just a question of "if not 
> now, then when?".
>> I'm seeing pretty much zero support for continuing to have a major/minor 
>> split. As such, I pretty strongly suggest that as a community we move to a 
>> single integer that increments every (time based) release, and a .N that 
>> increments with every patch release off of that branch. GCC and numerous 
>> other projects work this way.
>> I actually don't care at all what the number is: 4 or 40 seem fine.
>> If 4 seems too confusing, and 40 seems too extreme, how about 10. Seriously. 
>> It seems exactly as good as any other integer to start counting rationally, 
>> and won't confuse people by looking like a 4.0 release.
> I think going to 10 or 40 is likely to be confusing, because there'll be two 
> different ways to refer to the same version (people will say 3.10 when 
> referring to version 10, or 38 when referring to version 3.8, respectively). 
> This happened to Java in the version 1.6 / version 6 numbering transition.
> In order to preserve numbering continuity and minimize confusion, if we go 
> from three-component versions (major.minor.patch) to two-component versions 
> (major.patch), I would suggest we go from x.y.z to x+1.0. (This is also 
> consistent with how GCC handled the transition.)

I agree with Richard.  While I don't have a strong opinion about 3.10.x vs. 4.x 
vs. 4.0.x (assuming we document our *actual* bitcode compatibility promise), I 
think both 10.x and 40.x are actively confusing.
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