Hello folks,

As mentioned some time ago[1], we’ve had a long (looooooong) series of
discussions about establishing a code-of-conduct for the LLVM project as a
whole over on the llvm-dev thread and the http://reviews.llvm.org/D13741
code review.

The discussion has largely died down for some time, and towards the end
there has been pretty wide support for the draft wording we have now. It
isn’t perfect, and there are still some important questions around forming
the advisory committee to handle reporting, but I think the wording is at a
good point of compromise in a challenging area.

Based on the support, I’m going to land the patch that adds the draft. I’m
hoping this will immediately provide good advice and guidance, and I’m
hoping to see motion on setting up a reasonable advisory committee and
resolving any issues around reporting so we can make this an official part
of the community.

I sending this as a heads up so folks are aware, not to start a new
discussion thread. There are existing discussion threads[2] on llvm-dev if
folks want to join in active discussion or we can start fresh ones, but I
would encourage people to carefully read the discussion that has already
taken place to avoid revisiting areas that have already been heavily

Also, many thanks to the folks who provided all their opinions on the
mailing list threads and in person in long discussions about this topic.


[1]: Prior announcements:

[2]: Existing threads:
lldb-dev mailing list

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