Thanks for your replies!

@Greg, I think I will start by trying your approach and then I will get back to 
you with some feedback in a couple of days.

- Valentina

> -----Original Message-----
> > I am currently implementing the support for the Intel MPX registers in LLDB.
> This register set includes 2 registers, BNDSTATUS and BNDCFGU, which store
> information about the status and configuration of the MPX feature in several
> fields.
> > I think that it would be useful for the user to have a nice display of such 
> > fields,
> so that they don't have to extract the information from the raw values of the
> registers. However, I see that the other registers are just displayed as raw
> values, without any better ways to explore their contents.
> >
> > Should I just follow this approach, and also just let the MPX registers be
> available through their raw values?
> > Or have there ever been any requests for ways to display the register flags
> from LLDB?
> We haven't done anything fancy for registers yet. I see a few ways to do this:
> 1 - allow register values to specify a CompilerType as the way to display the
> register. Right now registers always default to use simple built in types:
> CompilerType
> ValueObjectRegister::GetCompilerTypeImpl () {
>     if (!m_compiler_type.IsValid())
>     {
>         ExecutionContext exe_ctx (GetExecutionContextRef());
>         Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
>         if (target)
>         {
>             Module *exe_module = target->GetExecutableModulePointer();
>             if (exe_module)
>             {
>                 TypeSystem *type_system = exe_module->GetTypeSystemForLanguage
> (eLanguageTypeC);
>                 if (type_system)
>                     m_compiler_type = type_system-
> >GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize (m_reg_info.encoding,
>        m_reg_info.byte_size * 8);
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     return m_compiler_type;
> }
> so we currently take the encoding and byte size and make a built in type for 
> it.
> We could allow a RegisterContext to manually create types using for a given
> target.
> We might allow RegisterInfo structs to have an extra field that is expression 
> text
> that defines a register type something like:
> const char *my_register_type = "typedef enum EnumType { eValueA, eValueB,
> eValueC}; struct reg_type { uint8_t a : 7, b:2, c:2; EnumType enum; }"
> Then we could use the top level expression parser to parse the expression and
> extract the "reg_type" as a CompilerType from the source code. Then you could
> define any type you want for your register. Sean Callanan will be able to help
> with expression parser details if this sounds like something you would like 
> to do.
> I can help with the rest of the plumbing.
> Greg Clayton
Intel Deutschland GmbH
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