> On Sep 20, 2016, at 2:41 PM, Mehdi Amini <mehdi.am...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Greg Clayton <gclay...@apple.com> wrote:
>> We should avoid crashing if there is a reasonable work around when the input 
>> is bad. StringRef with NULL is easy, just put NULL and zero length and don't 
>> crash. Just because it is documented, doesn't mean it needs to stay that 
>> way, but I am not going to fight that battle.
>> We should make every effort to not crash if we can. If it is way too 
>> difficult, document the issue and make sure clients know that this is the 
>> way things are. StringRef does this and we accept it. Doesn't mean it won't 
>> crash us. I just hate seeing the crash logs where we have:
>> StringRef s(die.GetName());
>> It shouldn't crash IMHO, but we know it does and we now code around it. Yes, 
>> we put in code like:
>> StringRef s;
>> const char *cstr = die.GetName();
>> if (cstr)
>>   s = cstr;
>> Is this nice code?
> Well no, it is indeed terrible: changing die.GetName() to return StringRef 
> make the code a lot safer.
> When StringRef is used everywhere, this problem disappear by itself. 
> StringRef(const char *) is a very unsafe API, that is not intended to be used 
> *inside* the library (or very sporadically). So if you build a StringRef out 
> of a const char *, you’re supposed to be in a place that deals with 
> “uncontrolled” input and you need to sanitize it. 
> (Also StringRef(const char *) is “costly": it calls strlen)

That is fine, but someone is still making the initial StringRef with the "const 
char *" so strlen is still being called. Strings from DWARF come from a string 
table so we will always call strlen. We might reduce the number of times strlen 
is called though and that is good.

> — 
> Mehdi
>> I am glad it makes it simple for the LLVM side, but I would rather write:
>> StringRef s(die.GetName());
>> Maybe I will subclass llvm::StringRef as lldb::StringRef and override the 
>> constructor.
>>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Zachary Turner <ztur...@google.com> wrote:
>>> Well, but StringRef for example is well documented.  So it seems to me like 
>>> there's an example of a perfectly used assert.  It's documented that you 
>>> can't use null, and if you do it asserts.  Just like strlen.
>>> The issue I have with "you can't ever assert" is that it brings it into an 
>>> absolute when it really shouldn't be.  We already agreed (I think) that 
>>> certain things that are well documented can assert.  But when we talk in 
>>> absolutes, it tends to sway people that they should always do that thing, 
>>> even when it's not the most appropriate solution.  And I think some of that 
>>> shows in the LLDB codebase where you've got hugely complicated logic that 
>>> is very hard to follow, reason about, or test, because no assumptions are 
>>> ever made about any of the inputs.  Even when they are internal inputs that 
>>> are entirely controlled by us.
>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 2:19 PM Greg Clayton <gclay...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> Again, strlen is a stupid example as it is well documented. All of llvm and 
>>> clang are not.
>>>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 1:59 PM, Zachary Turner <ztur...@google.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 1:55 PM Greg Clayton <gclay...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 1:45 PM, Zachary Turner <ztur...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>> I do agree that asserts are sometimes used improperly.  But who's to say 
>>>>> that the bug was the assert, and not the surrounding code?  For example, 
>>>>> consider this code:
>>>>> assert(p);
>>>>> int x = *p;
>>>> Should be written as:
>>>> assert(p);
>>>> if (!p)
>>>>   do_something_correct();
>>>> else
>>>>   int x = *p;
>>>>> Should this assert also not be here in library code?  I mean it's obvious 
>>>>> that the program is about to crash if p is invalid.  Asserts should mean 
>>>>> "you're about to invoke undefined behavior", and a crash is *better* than 
>>>>> undefined behavior.  It surfaces the problem so that you can't let it 
>>>>> slip under the radar, and it also alerts you to the point that the UB is 
>>>>> invoked, rather than later.
>>>>> What about this assert?
>>>>> assert(ptr);
>>>>> int x = strlen(ptr);
>>>>> Surely that assert is ok right?  Do we need to check whether ptr is valid 
>>>>> EVERY SINGLE TIME we invoke strlen, or any other function for that 
>>>>> matter?  The code would be a disastrous mess.
>>>> Again, check before you call if this is in a shared library! What is so 
>>>> hard about that? It is called software that doesn't crash.
>>>> assert(ptr)
>>>> int x = ptr ? strlen(ptr) : 0;
>>>> I find it hard to believe that you are arguing that you cannot EVER know 
>>>> ANYTHING about the state of your program.  :-/
>>>> This is like arguing that you should run a full heap integrity check every 
>>>> time you perform a memory write, just to be sure you aren't about to crash.
>>>> If you make a std::vector<>, do we need to verify that its internal 
>>>> pointer is not null before we write to it?   Probably not, right?  Why 
>>>> not?  Because it has a specification of how it works, and it is documented 
>>>> that you can construct one, you can use it.
>>>> It's ok to document how functions work, and it is ok to assume that 
>>>> functions work the way they claim to work.

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