plan looks good to me.
At OpenMandriva, we're already on the 4.0 branch (rev. 287544 right now)
because that's what our next major release (expected in late Q2/early Q3
2017) will ship with.

No big issues here so far, except the LLVMAddAttribute removal (Mesa still
relies on that API -- we've solved it for now by patching it back in).
We'll probably upgrade our snapshot one more time in mid to late December,
then package RC1, RC2 and final (and any RC3 or so that might be added).

In the Android world, we're running daily builds of AOSP master with clang
master inside Linaro. No big issues there either (some extra warnings
emitted by 4.0, esp. address-of-packed-member required some code changes
and/or -Wno-error= workarounds, but that's intentional).


On 5 December 2016 at 19:26, Hans Wennborg via Release-testers <
release-test...@lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Dear everyone,
> There's still plenty of time left, but I'd like to get the schedule
> set before folks start disappearing for the holidays.
> Note that this release will also switch us to the new versioning
> scheme where the major version is incremented for each major release
> (i.e., when the 4.0 branch is created, trunk will become 5.0).
> If you'd like to help providing binaries and testing for your
> favourite platform, please subscribe to the release-testers mailing
> list [1].
> I propose the following schedule for the 4.0 release:
> - 12 January 2017: Create the 4.0 branch. RC1 tagged soon thereafter.
> - 1 February: Tag RC2. All lose ends should have been tied up by now.
> - 21 February: Final tag. Binaries and release announcement a few days
> later.
> Unless there are any objections, I'll post this on the web page soon.
> Cheers,
> Hans
>   [1] http://lists.llvm.org/mailman/listinfo/release-testers
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