Hello Benjamin , all

>>I recently started using lldb to write a basic instrumentation tool for
>>tracking the values of variables at various code-points in a program.

I have the same problem of tracing some variables and debugging
application post-mortem. Without knowing about your experience I've
started walking same path and encountered same problem. In my case
inserting an empty callback slows-down application by 100x. This is
not acceptable for me, because instead of minutes I got hours of

Did you found any faster solution?

My current plan is to solve it with code injection: I plan to find
pointers to interesting values using debugger scripting and then
inject code to trace them.

Does LLDB supports code injection ? I've found information only about
gdb https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Compiling-and-Injecting-Code.html
but not about lldb

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